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A Tale in the Desert - Snow in Egypt? E-mail
Friday, 23 December 2005
A Tale in The Desert send us today a newsletter announcing a Christmas event.
Citizens of Egypt,

 The history books tell tales of a time in Egypt, long ago, when snow fell on the desert! The stories talk not of snow covering the whole country, but rather in isolated showers. It is said that as the people gathered to play in a snowstorm, the storm would briefly intensify, and then vanish, leaving gifts from heaven in its wake!
 Surely these are old wives' tales, and I'll leave it to you to decide how much stock to place in them. Interestingly, however, the most recent weather forecast by scientists at Egypt's Great Universities of the Human Body calls for snow, for the first time in recent history.
 The storms are predicted to begin:

   Saturday, December 24 at 1:00 PM EST (GMT-0500)

 Could the stories really be true? Would gathering with friends to enjoy the unusual weather actually cause the gods to smile, and bestow gifts on the people? And what could these gifts possibly be? Join me this weekend to find out...

On the Nile,
Teppy (Pharaoh)

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 Official IRC chat channel: port 6667 channel #ATITD
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