Online Games News arrow Dark Age of Camelot arrow Dark Age of Camelot: stealth animation fixed 28 March 2025  
Dark Age of Camelot: stealth animation fixed E-mail
Monday, 10 September 2007
The stealth animation issue has been solved and DAOC players will be able again to move while stealth.

Some other DAOC hofixes introduced the last week includes:

  • The stealth animations have been adjusted allowing stealthers to move more fluidly, similar to how they moved prior to the patch.  You will need to relog in order for this adjustment to take affect.
  • The Theurgist Abrasion spec line spell, Skin of Sand (Bladeturn), has been re-added to the spec line at spec level 10. 
  • The Theurgist Abrasion spec line spell, Scratching Pebbles (direct damage), is now available at 9 spec in Abrasion.
  • Players can now accept the Dragonslayer quest from either the Dragonslayer Journeyman or their realm’s Dragonslayer. Formerly only Lirazel, Elia, and Skipta would offer the quest.
  • The Minstrels of Albion, Bards of Hibernia, and Skalds of Midgard have realized the main threat has passed, and will no longer shout about the Dragon’s Revenge.
  • The maxium number of Concentration buffs a character can cast has been increased from 20 to 50
  • The ‘/gc deposit’ command has been temporarily disabled while we address a bug that would sometimes cause guilds to lose money if the total was above a certain amount.
  • Players will no longer experience crashing issues when approaching Bledmeer Keep while using the TOA client.
  • Corrected a Frontiers porting issue on the Bossiney cluster which would cause players to be teleported slightly below the floor when exiting the postern door at Berkstead Tower Four.
  • The wall crest 5-year reward trophy is now visible to players using the TOA client.
  • Hibernian players are once again able to use their realm's entrance to access the Labyrinth.
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