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Guild Wars: bugfixing updates E-mail
Monday, 10 September 2007
The last week Guild Wars updates includes a long list of bug fixes. Additionally, the Rangers power Rapid Fire will now only affect bows.


Here is the list of changes introduced to Guild Wars during the last week:

Bug Fixes

  • Took steps to address an issue with combat effects that caused some players to experience excessive red flashing. Testing will continue, and further amendments may be made in subsequent builds.
  • Fixed a bug that prevented the Assassin's Ancient armor mask from appearing in the Hall of Monuments.
  • Fixed a bug that caused incorrect headgear to be displayed when characters registered their Obsidian armor in the Hall of Monuments.
  • Fixed a bug that allowed Cyndr the Mountain Heart to take damaged from the spell Spoil Victor while his carapace was up.
  • Fixed a bug in the quest "Heart of the Shiverpeaks" that prevented players from completing the quest while partied with other players who had already completed the quest.
  • Fixed an exploit that allowed players to maintain a large number of Enchantments using Norn blessing skills (Raven Blessing, Ursan Blessing, and Volfen Blessing).
  • Fixed an exploit that allowed players to use maintained Enchantments in Polymock.
  • Fixed a bug with the Polymock skill Spirit Rift that prevented it from dealing damage.
  • Vampiric weapons no longer cause Health degeneration in Polymock.
  • Fixed a bug in Polymock that allowed the opponent to be killed between rounds.
  • Fixed the timing for exploding doors in dungeons.
  • Fixed a bug that prevented Gron Fierceclaw from taking players' Exquisite Surmia Carvings when they accepted the reward for the "Temple of the Damned" quest.
  • Fixed a bug that prevented players who already own Eye of the North from adding a Guild Wars Platinum Edition key to their account.
  • Fixed a bug that caused material crafters to display only the first digit of the number of items being crafted.
  • Fixed a bug in the quest "A Gate Too Far" that caused some players to get stuck in the wall of the dungeon's third level.
  • Fixed a bug in the quest "Attack of the Nornbear" that occasionally caused Svanir to stop moving.
  • Fixed a bug that caused certain Oozes to use the skill "Ooze Division" incorrectly so that they were replicating an infinite number of times.
  • Fixed a bug that prevented Destroyer Weapons customized in the Hall of Monuments from receiving their 20% damage bonuses. This fix will not affect weapons that have already been customized, although we are currently working on a fix to restore these bonuses as well.
  • Spectators in the Norn Fighting Tournament will no longer heal their favorite participants.

Skill Updates

  • Rapid Fire: now only affects bows.

Sneak Peek Weekend Quests and Skills

  • Fixed a bug that prevented players from receiving PvE-only skills they had unlocked during the Sneak Peek Weekend event. Players have been retroactively rewarded with the skills that were affected by this issue.
  • If you completed the quest "Attack on Jalis's Camp" during the Sneak Peek Weekend, the Great Dwarf Weapon skill will now be unlocked for your character.
  • If you completed the quest "In the Service of Revenge" during the Sneak Peek Weekend, the Great Dwarf Armor skill will now be unlocked for your character.
  • If you completed the quest "Destructive Research" during the Sneak Peek Weekend, the Light of Deldrimor skill will now be unlocked for your character.
  • If you completed the quest "The Big Unfriendly Jotun" during the Sneak Peek Weekend, the Snow Storm skill will now be unlocked for your character.


  • Players can now unlock Razah's Ancient armor set by exchanging 1 Ancient Armor Remnant with Johe in the Remains of Sahlahja.
  • Added a merchant to King Jalis's camp in the Battledepths.
  • Collector locations have been added to all dungeon area maps.
  • Added two additional Xunlai chests to the town of Rata Sum.
  • Magni the Bison now uses the correct model in the Epilogue content.
  • Corrected an issue that caused Destroyer Cores to drop at a lower-than-expected rate.
  • The number of Destroyer Cores needed for High Priest Alkar's quest "Destructive Research" has been reduced from 10 to 3.
  • Enabled Eye of the North skills in Automated Tournaments.
  • Corrected the names of several Eye of the North skills.
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