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EverQuest: Producer Letter E-mail
Monday, 06 August 2007
Clint Worley, Producer for EverQuest and member of Sony Online Entertainment, gives some hints about the status of the Secrets of Faydwer expansion on his latest producer letter. Check it out.

EQ Producer Letter

I am really excited to talk about the work that we have been busy at here in the studio. The team has been very busy working on improving the game through live game updates and working on the Secrets of Faydwer expansion.
    The Art Team
    Our artists just dropped the zones off to our internal test department for review. The Designers
    Our designers are busy populating the zones and creating all of the content that you will undoubtedly claw your way through twice as fast as we intend. The Programmers
    The programmers are wrapping up the last few details on the expansion and they are also moving into a bug fixing mode as well.

So, the expansion is looking on track. We are targeting mid-August for the start of Beta, as we plan on having a longer Beta period for this expansion. I encourage all of you to participate in the Beta so that the final product that rolls out in November is solid and ready for the masses! What else have we been busy doing? We have been super busy working on a few different things that we will be able to show you at Fan Faire. Speaking about Fan Faire… we have had a great turn out in registration and the community teams along with the developers have a full schedule to keep everyone busy. I look forward to meeting all of you that attend and for those of you that can't make it… please be sure to check the webpage for updates and breaking news.

Clint "Jourdian" Worley
EverQuest Producer
Sony Online Entertainment

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