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FLYFF Events Coming E-mail
Thursday, 21 June 2007
The free to play MMORPG Fly For Fun (FLYFF) will host a number of events in the following four weeks. Some of these events will be organized to introduce the new server Kern.

To introduce Kern, we have 2 exciting events only offered on Kern!

Kern Summer Leveling Extravaganza
All EXP will be increased to 10% EXP for 14 days. (June 21st ~ July 4th)
Champion of Kern
Provide the best item to top 10 ranking players in the new server. (June 21st ~ July 18th (4 weeks))

Ranking Reward Items
1 105Lv Armor +7 set
2 105Lv Armor +6 set
3 105Lv Armor +5 set
4~6 105Lv Armor +4 set
6~10 105Lv Armor +3 set

- Reward items will be provided correctly to each job and sex.
- The calculation time of level is July 18th (at maintenance time)
- If users are same level, we will check the experience points earned, and if remained EXP is also same we will then check playing time.

Event for all servers

June 21st ~ July 18th (4 weeks)

Upon joining Flyff on ANY cluster with a new character, during this 4 week event, you will receive the following.

Item Amount Description
EX Scroll of
AmplificationES (20)
1 Duration time: 30 min per each, Limit level : 20
Impossible to trade or put on the private shop
Cats(M)7 1 Impossible to trade or put on the private shop
*Unopened box is unable to open after 7 days
Cats(F)7 *Items from the box is unable to use after 7 days
*Male character gets male item, female character gets female item

As a gift, the following items will be placed into your inventories during each week s maintenance should you reach or bypass the levels below.

Reward Items Amount Description Remark
20 Level
Special Scroll of
1 Duration time : 60min Impossible to trade or put on the private shop
Scroll of Blessing 1   Impossible to trade or put on the private shop
40 Level
Special Scroll of
3 Duration time : 60min Impossible to trade or put on the private shop
Scroll of Blessing 2   Impossible to trade or put on the private shop
60 Level
Special Scroll of
5 Duration time : 60min Impossible to trade or put on the private shop
Scroll of Blessing 3   Impossible to trade or put on the private shop

If you cannot get the items because there is no space in your inventory, please make space in your inventory and re-log in.

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