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Everquest: new guild UI E-mail
Tuesday, 19 June 2007
With the Dragons of Norrath expansion, EverQuest introduced a new In-game tool for guilds looking for new members and individuals looking to join a new guild through a Guild Search Window. The Guild Search Window, also known as the Guild Message Center, is located in the Guild Lobby which can be accessed from the Plane of Knowledge. Here’s how it works:

Looking for Guilds: Adventurers seeking to join a guild can use the LF Guild tab in this tool to turn on Looking for Guild, select a desired time zone, and enter comments about the type of guild they wish to join. Their character name, level, class, and amount of AA points are automatically generated. Adventurers can also use the Search Guilds tab to search for guilds that have noted that they are looking for new guild member using the same search fields.


Looking for Players: Guilds can use the LF Players tab of the search window to note level ranges, classes they seek, minimum AA Count, main time zone, and to make other comments about their guild and what they are looking for in new members. They can also use Search Players to look for anyone who is flagged Looking for Guild that meets their criteria. The entries for Looking for Guilds and Players will expire after 1 week. You will need to set the information again if your search continues.


Benefits of Joining a Guild
When deciding to join a guild, you’ll first want to think about what type of guild suits your needs. Are you hoping to increase your social circle? Are you hoping to increase your chances of achieving goals that cannot be obtained solo? Are you hoping to see more of the world? Guilds also have use of the Guild Halls which provide portals for convenient teleport, guild bankers, guild tribute masters, and other resources. Also, the Guild Halls make for a convenience secluded meeting or party hall for the guild.

There are several different types of guilds but the most common differentiation is Raiding and Social guilds.

Raiding Guilds: A raiding guild will devote most of its time to going after encounters that require multiple groups to complete it. A hardcore raid guild will strive to progress through the content before any other guilds and obtain all the riches that come with it. These guilds may require their members to have specific achievements including flags, levels, AA, and time dedication. A more casual raid guild will simply want to progress through the content. During downtimes, members of raid guilds may still spend some extra time soloing, grouping and going after smaller targets, but when the guild calls for a raid, the raid usually takes precedence.

Social Guilds: Social guilds, also sometimes referred to as a family guilds, usually refer to guilds that don’t raid as much. They spend most of their time soloing and grouping… and chatting of course. While social guilds still manage to progress through content, that isn’t the main goal for the guild. Their main goal is to simply have fun and relax while playing without the sense of urgency. Many socials guilds often take the time out to throw parties, run events and role-play.

Guilds Currently Recruiting
Here’s a list of some guilds across the servers that have stated they are actively recruiting new members.
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