Online Games News arrow City of Heroes/Villains arrow City of Heroes: new wings coming 12 March 2025  
City of Heroes: new wings coming E-mail
Wednesday, 18 April 2007 gives some talking space to Jay Doherty, character artist for City of Heroes. Jay, who is specialized in "inventing wings for City of Heroes and Villains", shows off some of his newest creations, which will see the light with the next free expansion to City of Heroes and City of Villains - Issue 9: Breakthrough.


From the article:

It's safe to say that wings are one of the most difficult player costume pieces to make for the game. There are two basic "rigs" for the wings which we call internally "Bat" and "Eagle." Depending on the wing; the proper rig will be used. When designing our new wings, I had to make sure that every wing looks good both in its flying state and resting state (You will not understand the giant pain in the butt it is to do that). The hardest wing to make was the Angel, just because it was the first one I made (we introduced Angel and Demon wings first as part of our Veteran Rewards program). One of the coolest things about being a character artist is making sure everything looks tight and I wanted to make sure that every wing looked different from far away and close up; so to achieve that I tried giving every wing a distinctive Silhouette.

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