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EverQuest 2: Game Update 34 Preview E-mail
Friday, 13 April 2007
Patience Pays Off for the Coercer Class, or at least this is what the EQ2 Game Update 34 Preview says. But the update will not be all about Coercer class improvements, there will be finally also the long awaited possibility to share the quests in your journal with your party mates.
Check out the full preview!

Game Update 34 Preview
With April well under way, the joking season is over and it's time once again for some exciting changes all around Norrath! Here's a special sneak-peek for those of you hungry for information on what's happening in-game.

Patience Pays Off for the Coercer Class

The brand-spanking new Coercer class hat is ready to roll in GU34. Let me assure you, it's well worth the wait and quite pleasing to the eye! This new Coercer hat promises to keep Erudite heads warm and free from unwanted exposure.

Saddle Up!

A new mount will be made available for purchase to those brave enough to travel through the Loping Plains and complete a series of quests. If you seek out Heinrich, he'll provide you with all the details to get started.

Quest Sharing is Caring

Spread the wealth and knowledge of your quest journal with those around you! With GU34, you will be able to share most of your current quests with members of your group who meet the requirements. You can also share quests you have completed with your friends, provided they have met the prerequisites for them. What if the quest involves an item given to you by the quest giver NPC? No problem, this invaluable feature will allow your group mates to receive that item as well when you share the quest!

See What You Want, When You Want

With GU34, you'll be able to save and load performance profiles, aiding in your ability to control what you see in game. With a simple command, you'll be able to toggle between certain saved profiles. The end result is that you will be able to view far off things while harvesting and turn them off when you are fighting in tight spaces to boost performance!

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