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DAOC Battleground and Tradeskill Changes E-mail
Friday, 22 December 2006
Is there something better than a BIG patch right before the holidays?

Dark Age of Camelot
Test Version 1.87c Release Notes
Battleground and Tradeskill Changes
December 21, 2006

 - The /ignore command again works across servers on a cluster.
 - The /ignore command will now filter out /yell.
 - Fixed an issue where certain Hibernian Mauler trainers would direct players to visit the wrong trainer in Tir na Nog to start a quest.
 - The Chieftain and Chieftess NPCs in Midgard's Shrouded Isles no longer display as being worth Master Level Experience.
 - When a controlled pet parries or blocks a message will now appear in the controller's combat window.
 - Accounts that are Labyrinth enabled can now reach Champion Level 10 regardless of what client they are using.
 - Accounts that are Darkness Rising enabled but not Labyrinth enabled can now only accrue Champion Level Experience up to Champion Level 5 regardless what their current Champion Level is.
 - Accounts that are not at least Darkness Rising enabled cannot accrue any Champion Level Experience.
 - (Pendragon Only) The new taunt ability that was introduced as a style effect in 1.87b has been changed to now be an offensive proc that a pet will cast at the command of the pet owner. All pets that could use Enrage before will now offer command menu options to walk a pet owner through the steps on using the new ability.
 Known issue: There is only a graphical effect when the pet uses the Enrage and no text feedback. This will be addressed in an upcoming version in this patch cycle.

The current autotraining system has been revised. It will no longer punish players who spend points early in their careers.

 - Characters will no longer auto train skills as they gain levels.
 - When training a skill that would normally have autotrained, a player will not be charged points up to their character level’s maximum autotrained skill level. Example: An Armsman who has zero slash at level 50 will not be charged for their first 12 points. After 12, they will be charged points normally for that skill.
 - If you have a higher skill than what would be awarded to you by autotraining at that level, the points that would have been awarded are refunded to your skill point pool. Example: If you have 40 slash, and you hit a level 48, you normally would have been autotrained to 12 slash. Since you have a higher slash than 12, those 12 points are refunded to your pool.
 - The skill points will be consistent if you train through a trainer or use a respec.

 - Players with the Mending, Rejuvenation and Regrowth spell lines will now receive Cure Poison and Cure Disease as a baseline spell, at levels 3 and 7.

 - All Commander pets now have a chance to use shield styles.
 - The lowest level Commander now has melee styles.
 - The Boost Bonecaster line of instant Body Debuff spells will no longer interrupt.
 - The Bolster Bones spell in the Suppression Spec line has been moved from level 46 to level 44.
 - A new group version of the realm castable ABS buff has been added to the Suppression Spec line, with a 10 second cast time.
 Level 35 Strengthen Bone Army 3 abs
 Level 40 Augment Bone Army  6 abs
 Level 46 Bolster Bone Army  9 abs

 - All Simulacrums now have a chance to proc a physical resistance debuff against their targets. This debuff reduces Crush, Slash and Thrust resists.
 - All Simulacrums can now be commanded to change their offensive type to Slash, Crush and Thrust via keywords.
 - All Simulacrums can now be commanded to change their attack speed to Fast, Average and Slow.
 - All Simulacrums now have a chance to double strike. The second strike damage type is always Crush.
 - All Simulacrums have had their resist tables enhanced and brought up to the same standards as most other pets.
 - The new shields introduced in 1.87b, and the various innate Simulacrum buffs and shields, are now instant cast by the Simulacrum once summoned. Using the keyword imbue will also refresh these spells.
 - Amber Simulacrums' Str/Con buff introduced in 1.87b has been modified to a Con buff. The value of the buff still retains the new percentage rate which scales along with the pet level when the buff is cast.
 - Ruby and Sapphire Simulacrums now have the option for the new Enrage ability.
 - All Simulacrums now have the option to turn their Cower ability on or off.
 - Ruby Simulacrums will now cast more while in the beginning of melee combat as opposed to never casting once melee is initiated.
 - Several changes have been made to the Jade Simulacrum to make it a more desirable pet.
 The Jade Simulacrum now has an offensive melee proc.
 The Jade Simulacrum now has magic and melee ablative defensive proc.
 The Jade Simulacrum's Damage Shield has been increased in value.
 The Jade Simulacrum's base stats have been enhanced to give an increase to defense, offense and hit points.
 The Jade Simulacrum no longer continuously casts its damage shield but will cast once on spawn and then later again whenever commanded to by the Cabalist via the word imbue. This allows more control for Cabalists to have other damage shields placed on their pet.

 - There is now a graphical effect and buff icon for the Frenzy ability.
 - A menu interface explaining Frenzy has been added.
 - The Druid can now issue the Frenzy command without having to target the pet. The distance between the pet and owner in which this can be done has been increased for open say commands. The whisper version of this command retains the same distance check as it did before.
 - The Frenzy ability can now be used 10 seconds after the pet is summoned.  The re-use timer is now 30 seconds instead of 60 seconds.
 - An additional wolf skin has been added for the wolf pet.

 - The melee oriented Underhill pets' parry ability, by default, is now set as off. Enchanters can turn this option on or off via keyword menu.
 - The Underhill Companions and Zealots now have a choice between using a dagger or staff and can no longer parry.
 - The Underhill Friend now has chance to proc a DoT while in combat.
 - The Damage Shield value for the Underhill Zealot has been increased.
 - The Underhill Friend now has a dual wield weapon, and has a chance to double strike in combat. The second strike damage type is always Thrust.
 - The Underhill Ally will now begin to cast healing spells when it detects group members at below 50 percent health as opposed to 40-45 percent.
 - The Underhill Ally's regeneration spell has had its value increased. This will stack with the new regen rates introduced in 1.87b.
 - The Underhill Companion and Zealot will now cast more while in the beginning of melee combat as opposed to never casting once melee is initiated.
 - The Underhill Ally and Compatriot can now equip shields when commanded.
 - The Underhill Ally and Compatriot now have offensive procs.
 - The Underhill Companion now has access to a pet version of Moon Blast.
 - The Underhill Zealot now has access to a pet version of Illusory Pain.
 - The Underhill Ally now has access to Blunt styles.
 - The Underhill Compatriot now has access to Blade styles.
 - The Underhill Friend now has access to Piercing and Critical styles.

 - Friars will now receive 1.8 spec points per level.
 - As a result of the both the increased number of specialization points available to Friars and changes made to their specialization lines, all Friars have been given a forced respec.  Those who play Friars should take a moment to redistribute their specialization points.
 - The Blessed Encouragement line of group HoT spells in the Rejuvenation Spec line is now castable while moving and in combat.
 - Power costs on several of the Friar's spells have been changed from a percentage value to a flat value, or have been lowered.
 - The progression of the Friar's AF and ABS spells in their Enhancements Spec line have been changed. The new values are as follows:
 Level 5 Blessing of Resilience  3 ABS
 Level 10 Blessing of Hardiness   6 ABS
 Level 15 Blessing of Sturdiness  9 ABS
 Level 20 Blessing of Stability  11 ABS
 Level 25 Blessing of Abation  13 ABS
 Level 30 Blessing of Absorption 14 ABS
 Level 34 Blessing of Dissipation 15 ABS

 Level 1 Shield of Faith   14 AF
 Level 3 Shield of Piety   16 AF
 Level 7 Shield of Devotion  20 AF
 Level 11 Shield of Grace  24 AF
 Level 16 Shield of Justice  35 AF
 Level 24 Shield of Zeal   40 AF
 Level 33 Shield of Holiness  58 Af

 - There is now a graphical effect and buff icon for the Frenzy ability.
 - A menu interface explaining Frenzy has been added.
 - The Hunter can now issue the Frenzy command without having to target the pet. The distance between the pet and owner in which this can be done has been increased for open say commands. The whisper version of this command retains the same distance check as it did before.
 - The Frenzy ability can now be used 10 seconds after the pet is summoned.  The re-use timer is now 30 seconds instead of 60 seconds.
 - An additional wolf skin has been added.

 - A new group version of the realm castable damage add has been added to the Shaman's Augmentation Spec line.
 Level 35  Compulsion of the Deep
Bonus: Damages target for listed damage/Damage: 7.9 DPS
 Level 45 Coercion of the Deep
Bonus: Damages target for listed damage/Damage: 10.0 DPS

- The lowest tier Spirit pet now has the option to equip weapons. When summoned, it will appear weaponless for those who prefer no weapons on that particular pet. When equipped, the pet can style, at a lower chance, like the other Spiritmaster pets.
 - Shields have been added to all Spirit pets when commanded to equip a weapon other than a spear. The spirit pets do not start out with a shield for those who do not want them equipped.
 - All Spirit pets now have a chance to use shield styles.
 - All Spirit pets default their Parry ability as on. Spiritmasters can turn this option on or off via keyword menu.

 - Power costs on several of the Warden's spells have been changed from a percentage value to a flat value, or have been lowered.
 - A new instant cast resurrection spell "Swift Reconstitution" has been added to the Regrowth Spec line at 35 spec.
 - The Attack Unending and Attack Unfading lines of spells have been moved from the Regrowth Spec line to the Nurture Spec line.
 - The Nature's Guard line of pulsing bladeturn spells has had its recast timer reduced to 8 seconds, and its power cost lowered.
 - The Guardian's Encouragement line of speed spells are now be instant cast.
 - A new line of group HoT spells has been added to the Regrowth Spec line. These spells are castable while moving and in combat.
 Level 24 Nature's Exhilaration  43 health
 Level 34 Nature's Uplift   58 health
 Level 44 Nature's Invigoration  73 health
 - A new line of Celerity spells has been added to the Nurture Spec line.
 Level Name   Target Cast/Duration/Recast Range/Radius Effect Cost
 18 Celerity  Group 0s/5 seconds/pulse/8s 350 range 24% 6
 26 Enhanced Celerity Group 0s/5 seconds/pulse/8s 350 range 28% 8
 32 Amplified Celerity Group 0s/5 seconds/pulse/8s 350 range 31% 12
 44 Pure Celerity  Group 0s/5 seconds/pulse/8s 350 range 37% 15

 - The costume potions added to Alchemy in each realm have been split into two categories due to the number of potions available.
 - The harp recipes in Fletching for Albion and Hibernia have had their skill requirements upped to fill in gaps, allowing players more options for skilling up at those ranges.

Restriction Removal
 - Characters can now skill up completely in any tradeskill. The system of primary and secondary tradeskills (where secondary tradeskills were capped according to the current skill amount the primary tradeskill) has been removed.
 - Tradeskills no longer have class restrictions. A character can choose any tradeskill.
 - Characters can now have multiple tradeskills. To pick up a tradeskill a character does not have, speak to the tradeskill trainer. Please note that there is no limit to the amount of tradeskills a character can have. Your character can now choose and skill up in all of them.

 - Tradeskill rank titles are now available via the /title window. Once selected, the rank title will display underneath your character's name.
 - To switch the rank titles to a different tradeskill, speak to the appropriate tradeskill trainer, and then use /title. For example: If you are currently set as an Armorcrafter and wish to display your Weaponcrafter rank titles instead, speak to the Weaponcrafter trainer to switch the titles.
 - Crafters that have skilled up in a tradeskill prior to version 1.87 will receive a special title to recognize their achievements. The title "Honored Crafter" will be issued out to any character with 400-999 skill in a tradeskill. The title "Revered Crafter" will be issued out to any character with 1000 or higher skill in a tradeskill.

Skill Increase Changes
 - Skill increase chances on tradeskills are now standardized according to the recipe's con.
 - You will have a 45% chance to receive a skill increase on red con recipes.
 - You will have a 60% chance to receive a skill increase on orange con recipes.
 - You will have a 45% chance to receive a skill increase on yellow con recipes.
 - You will have a 30% chance to receive a skill increase on blue con recipes.
 - You will have a 15% chance to receive a skill increase on green con recipes.
 - You will not be able to receive skill increases on grey con recipes.

Failure Changes
 - Critical failures have been removed from the tradeskill system. You will no longer lose craft ingredients on failing to craft an object.
 - Failure chances on tradeskills are now standardized according to the recipe's con.
 - You will have a 32% chance to fail on red con recipes.
 - You will have a 16% chance to fail on orange con recipes.
 - You will have an 8% chance to fail on yellow con recipes.
 - You will not be able to fail on blue, green, or grey con recipes.

Time to Craft Changes
 - Craft times on recipes are now standardized according to the recipe's con.
 - Grey con recipes will take only 40% of the normal craft time.
 - Green con recipes will take only 60% of the normal craft time.
 - Blue con recipes will take only 80% of the normal craft time.
 - Yellow, Orange, and Red con recipes will take the normal craft time.

Quality Changes
 - The minimum crafted quality is now 96%. Crafters will now have, roughly, a 24% chance to craft an item that is 96%, 97%, 98%, or 99% quality.
 - Masterpiece (100% quality) chance has not been changed.

 - The SI water now has the same transparency as classic water and reflective water when in PvP zones.

 - The level requirements for the battlegrounds have been changed; all other requirements remain the same.  The new level requirements are as follows:
 Battleground:  Previous Requirements: New Requirements:

 Proving Grounds  1 – 4   1 – 5
 Lion’s Den  4 – 9   6 – 10
 Hills of Claret  10 – 14   11 – 15
 Killaloe  15 – 19   16 – 20
 Thidranki  20 – 24   21 – 25
 Braemar   25 – 29   26 – 30
 Wilton   30 – 34   31 – 35
 Molvik   35 – 39   36 – 40
 Leirvik   40 – 44   41 – 45
 Cathal Valley  45 – 49   46 – 49
 - The porters that access the battlegrounds have been changed to reflect the new level requirements.
 - Monster levels have been increased in the battlegrounds to reflect the new level requirements.
 - The named monsters in the battlegrounds now have an increased chance to spawn.
 Note: This does not affect Cathal Valley's named mobs as their spawn rate was already higher than the other battlegrounds.
 - The siegemasters in the Proving Grounds and Lion’s Den have been removed.
 - The aggression radius for the fire giants present in the Lion's Den battleground has been lowered.
 - Forest giant youth have had their spawn rate lowered in the Lion's Den battleground.
 - Timber cats have had their spawn rate slightly increased in the Molvik battleground.


Quests - Midgard
 - Kelleher's Hand-Me-Downs - Maulers can now complete this quest and receive the appropriate reward.
 - How Much Wood Could a Wood-Eater Eat? - The introductory quest text will now reference the correct amount of wood eater legs needed to complete the quest.
Quests - Hibernia
 - Traces of Mad Changelings - Maulers can now complete step one of this quest allowing them to proceed and finish the quest.


 - A number of NPCs that were marked as granting Master Level experience erroneously have been fixed.
Quests - Hibernia
 - The Tree Maidens - Maulers will now be greeted properly and allowed to take this quest.
 - Fylara's Armor - Maulers will now receive the appropriate reward for this quest.

Stygia Quests
 - Wishes - Midgard and Hibernia Maulers can now complete this quest and receive the appropriate reward.

Item Notes
 - The procs and charges on Malice’s Axe and Battler have been reduced in power.

 - The Proc has been changed from a 1 minute duration 25% decrease to all stats to a 30 second duration 10% decrease to all stats.
 - The Charge has been changed from 50% melee immunity/vulnerability to 25% melee immunity/vulnerability. The negative effect after the charge is used is now unpurgable.

 - The Charge has been changed from a 1 minute 19% absorb debuff on the target and 1 minute 19% absorb buff on the user, to a 30 second 10% absorb debuff on the target and 10% absorb buff on the user.


Quests - Hibernia
 - An Important Letter - Fixed step one of this quest so that it could be completed by players using the Labyrinth client.  This fixes a bug where the quest would continue properly only on the Darkness Rising client.

 - A tertiary entrance/exit to the Labyrinth has been added for each realm.  The new portals into the Labyrinth are located near each of the realm's Dragon encounters. The corresponding portals within the Labyrinth are located within the flooded section of the Labyrinth near the Dracolich encounter. The portals inside the Labyrinth are keyed to each realm, so only characters of a certain realm can use them to return to the epic zones.
 Note: Pathing for these new areas will be addressed in a later version in this patch cycle.

 - Culmination: Lost, But Not Forgotten - All of the monsters named 'corrupt engineer' will now have a chance to drop the items needed for this quest.

Item Notes
 - The Spellbound Indigo Fist Wrap will now salvage for the proper material type.
 - Zhulrathuul's wall trophy is now tradable.

 - Free the Rogue! - Midgard and Hibernia Maulers can now complete this quest.
 - The relic 'Horn of Valhalla Fragment' will now display the correct delve with regard to its concentration bonus.
 - The relic 'Horn of Valhalla Fragment' now has a Casting Speed bonus.

 - Free the Rogue! - Midgard and Hibernia Maulers can now complete this quest.
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