Online Games News arrow Ultima Online arrow Ultima Online: potential item loss 12 March 2025  
Ultima Online: potential item loss E-mail
Wednesday, 29 November 2006
We would like to bring your attention to a very important news from the FYI section of the Ultima Online website: "There is an issue with certain items appearing to lock down. *However*, these items will decay quickly, even if locked down. Please do *not* attempt to lock down any older legacy items, "newbie" items, or any other items that have historically been quick-decay items that would not lock down. In Game Support will not be able to replace any items that have decayed while locked down. If you have any uncertainty about a particular item, store it in your bank box or in a secure container until further notice. If you find an item that can be locked down in your home that should not be, please pick the item up *immediately*. The items listed under December 1997 on the following URL are some, but not all of the items affected: We thank you for your time and attention on this issue."

Be careful!
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