Online Games News arrow Everquest arrow Holiday Patch 12 March 2025  
Holiday Patch E-mail
Monday, 12 December 2005
A small patch was released, containing the needed files for the holiday events and some fixes.
*** Events & Missions ***
- The holiday event will now allow a full group to partake instead of just 1 person.
- The Lower Guk and Freeport monster missions will now properly drop Shards of Wisdom.
- /dzadd has been fixed and should work properly again.

*** Items ***
- Some of Archaeologist Flottwit’s items were missing augmentation slots and spell effects.  In addition, some of the items now have a lower required or recommended level.
- A small sample of bags that were incorrectly giving an error message that you were not the right class to use it as a tradeskill container have been fixed.
- Dreadspire invitations are now properly persistent.

*** NPCS ***
- Commander Cogswain has returned to Lavastorm.

Click Here for the Original Announcement
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