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EVE Online: Kali in testing phase E-mail
Monday, 23 October 2006
On his newest Dev Blog, Mephysto explains that the free content expansion named Kali is now finally feature complete and in the Quality Assurance Team hands. Kali is expected to be released by the end of this year.

QA is now well into crunch mode, working on the new content for Kali which is now just about feature complete but there are still bugs and more testing to work through.

Generally, this means we are exploring strange new locations and shooting the locals.

Outside of having fun testing and shooting each other everything is approaching completion. This release is one of the biggest expansions CCP has released and there is a lot to test. We are almost ready to open Kali to public testing.

I have managed to get over being shocked into helpless awe every time I see the seamless map now, and it's becoming an ordinary part of the game. The testing of the new COSMOS constellations is pretty much complete now, but it turns out they were a small task in the grand scheme of Kali. Our attention is now on the exploration and invention features, including Salvaging and Rigs. I foresee a lot of death and destruction in the future, given that the only source of components for rigs will be dead ships. Smile

Need to cut this blog short as I have a long list of testing tasks to get through (its presently 8pm, and I don’t expect to go home much before 10). Looking forward to the FanFest in a couple of weeks though.

Oh, and here’s a competition for you. Question is, how much had I drunk at this point?

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