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Anarchy Online: Character transfer in testing E-mail
Monday, 16 October 2006
The AO team is currently testing a character transfer service. Players are for the moment only allowed to execute a character copy on the test server.
By doing so and then playing a bit on the test server, you will help the testing process of the 16.4 patch.

There are some restrictions with this new option, they are:

1. Your character's apartment, organization shop, missions and organization will not be copied with the character. If you want any items from there you should move them before you copy.

2. You must be logged out on both the dimension you are copying from, and Test Live in order for the copy to occur.

3. Copies may take up to 24 hours (but usually it is much less)

4. If your copy does not happen please check the page and look at the feedback information. It should tell you if there was a problem and how to remedy it.

5. Currently all accounts are limited to only 2 character copies, we may decide to delete all transferred characters at any time which will allow you to copy another 2 characters.

6. Rules regarding harassment and disruption on Test Live are the same as live. Any violation of these rules may lead to removal of characters and loss of copying privileges.

To take part in the testing you can access the testlive character copy page here:

You can provide feedback on the tool here.

Please note some or all of these restrictions may or may not apply as and when we offer this service as a paid transfer service on the live dimensions. Part of this testing is to determine how best to proceed with this potential service.

Behaviour on Test Live

As above please remember that test live does not equal somewhere that you can misbehave in. Be aware that any behaviour that we would censure on live is equally likely to be a problem on test live.

There is a friendly community of testers and ARKs on the test dimension, who are usually able and willing to fill you in on the details of playing on test and advise on how to report bugs correctly. Please remember to treat each other with respect.

You will also not get any item spawned for you whenever you like, or free credits, or level boosts on demand. There are rules and systems in place for the providing of what is needed for testing. Bug Hunters and Council of Testers can, and do, provide some buffs and general assistance. ICC is a good place to check for help, but please again remember to ask politely when you need assistance and that simply being on test live does not immediately entitle you to lots of free goodies Wink
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