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EQ2 Echoes of Faydwer Previews E-mail
Thursday, 12 October 2006
Different websites across the Internet are starting to publish previews about the next coming expansion for EverQuest II: Echoes of Faydwer.
IGN , Stratics and Caster's Realm also published recently their own.


IGN does not express its opinion on the expansion yet and prefers to list and describe the new content :
"A few things I wanted to touch on in closing were the Belief system, secondary crafting, and crafting commissioning. The belief system will be able to give people the ability to worship a God of their choosing. There are 3 Good Gods, 3 Evil Gods, and 2 Neutral Gods. Through these gods you will be able to gain new abilities and favor faction or "God Currency." We will give more info on these as we get it. The second thing I wanted to bring up was the Secondary Tradeskills. Yeah that would be Tinkering and Transmuting. Transmuting will allow players to break down loot they didn't need into basic components which can then be used to make new items. And Tinkering is well... Tinkering. You will get to make all sorts of little gadgets. The last thing I wanted to bring up, and I am not sure if this is an Echoes of Faydwer feature or something just recently added, was the ability to Commision Crafters. Basically, crafters will be able to go to a station, and a player needing something made can right click on the crafter and choose to commission the crafter. He then can put his own resources in and then choose from a drop down menu the available recipes that item can be used to make. Once that is chosen and accepted, the crafter can craft the item and the result goes straight to the customer. I thought this was very neat and thanks Niami for showing it to me :)"


Stratics overally thinks that Echoes of Faydwer is a good quality expansion and could probably steal some customers also from World of Warcraft:
"It's hard to make a truly perfect expansion, and not even Echoes of Faydwer may solve that problem. But if the gameplay manages to maintain or exceed the high standards set by EverQuest II to date..and it certainly appears that it will -- then Echoes of Faydwer may well give The Burning Crusade a run for its gold pieces."

Caster's Realm staff seems the more enthusiastic about what they see:
"There was far too much to see in a two-hour tour. The new continent is vibrant in a way that is almost tactile; the encounters I saw, of all levels, seemed appropriate and challenging. The depth of lore and storylines seems extremely well thought-out and should be a pleasure to all. And altaholics are going to have a blast with the new race. All in all, I think this will easily be the high point in Everquest II development since launch two years ago."


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