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EVE Online patch notes build 3364 E-mail
Friday, 01 September 2006

Fixes and Improvements

Weapons, Drones and Modules
  • Electronic Warfare
  • Read the Electronic Warfare Changes Discussion for more in-depth information.
  • New skills are now available to enhance performance of Electronic Warfare: EW Fall Off, EW Optimal, EW Strength, Dampener Strength, Disruption Strength, Painting Strength.
  • The following skills have had their bonuses changed to capacitor need reduction: Electronic Warfare, Sensor Linking, Weapon Disruption, Propulsion Jamming.
  • New module and new skill: Target Painting & Target Painter I are now available on the market, this module increases the Signature Radius of a target.
  • Missing “named drops” ECM modules from NPC’s have been added to loot tables
  • Standardization of EW code handling server- side, including checks to prevent module deactivation if the target was beyond maximum range.
  • NPC’s can now be target jammed (ECM) like other players
  • Other Weapons and Modules
  • Hybrid Turrets have gotten a slight decrease in Capacitor usage and some Hybrid Turrets now use slightly less Powergrid.
  • Cruise Missile flight time is now listed in show info.
  • It should now be possible to fit modules based on the module power requirement after skill bonuses are taken into account. Previously, it was not possible to fit a power-requiring module if the unmodified power requirement was over the limit, but the modified power requirement was under the limit.
  • Modules fitted from a stack would in rare cases disappear. This has been fixed.
  • Drones no longer respond to aggression by fellow gang members or fellow corporation members unless specifically commanded to do so by the owning player.
  • System Scanners now work properly and System Scanning speed has been increased. Astrometrics skill now gives a 10% faster scan speed with scan probes per skill level.
  • Armor Repairers and Hardener visual effects have been fully removed to reduce lag.
  • Pulse Lasers have been decreased in Optimal Range.
  • Radio Crystal has been reduced in damage.
  • Standard Crystal is now available on the market.
  • Hardwiring - Eifyr and Co. 'Rogue' CY-2 should have been giving a 5% speed boost but was only giving 4%.
  • HARDWIRING - EIFYR AND CO. 'ROGUE' AY-1 is supposed to give 3% higher agility, but in the attributes it was -2%
  • Large Shield Extender skill requirements were too low. They now require Shield Upgrades 4.
  • ECM II's, Tracking Disruptor II's, Remote Sensor Damp II's, Target Painter II's, Large Armor Repairer II and XL Shield Booster II are now avaiable from Research agents.
  • Stealth Bombers are now available from Research agents. Stealth Bomber bonuses are subject to change with the missile overhaul.
  • Better checking of "safe" and "unsafe" autopilot routing.
  • Crucifier has had its CPU skill bonus removed for a bonus for Tracking Disruptors, also base Targeting Range and CPU have been increased.
  • Griffin has had its CPU skill bonus removed for a bonus for ECM Target Jammers, also base Targeting Range and CPU have been increased.
  • Maulus has had its CPU skill bonus removed for a bonus for Remote Sensor Dampeners, also base Targeting Range and CPU have been increased.
  • Vigil has had its Targeting Range skill bonus removed for a bonus for Target Painters, also base Targeting Range and CPU have been increased.
  • Blackbird has had its Missile Damage skill bonus removed and instead given Optimal Range bonus for ECM Target Jammers, also base Targeting Range has been increased.
  • Celestis has had its Hybrid Turret Tracking skill bonus removed for a bonus for Remote Sensor Dampeners, also base Targeting Range increased and a low slot has been removed from it and given an extra med slot instead.
  • Blackbird has had its ECM Capacitor Need skill bonus removed and instead given Optimal Range bonus for ECM Target Jammers, also base Targeting Range has been increased.
  • Scorpion has had its Missile Velocity and Shield Hitpoints skill bonus removed and instead given Optimal Range and efficiency bonus for ECM Target Jammers, also base Targeting Range has been increased.
  • Dramiel faction frigate had no projectile RoF bonus.
  • Augoror Navy Issue and Stabber Fleet Issue had wrong skill requirements and skill bonuses.
  • Amarr Navy Slicer required caldari frigate. Tech 2 tag added to elite industrials.
  • Sigil Blueprint max runs was too high in relation to all other industrials
  • The Covert Ops frigates based around cloaked warping also get 10% faster scan speed with scan probes per Covert Ops skill level.
Stations and Starbases
  • Factory and Research slots in Empire stations have been increased.
  • Office slots in Empire have been increased
  • Conquerable Factory Stations in 0.0 space have been upgraded with cloning, laboratory, repair and insurance services.
  • Conquerable Cloning Stations in 0.0 space have been upgraded with factory, laboratory, repair and insurance services
  • Conquerable Refinery Stations in 0.0 space have been upgraded with cloning, repair and insurance services
  • Locked items no longer become stuck if the office is unrented and rented again.
  • Repair quotes no longer give an error using repair station service.
  • Racial Small and Medium Control Towers are now available, allowing more mobile and specialized usage.
  • Medium Reactors are now available that can only perform Simple Reactions, enabling lower overhead setups for Moon Harvesting and Processing on Large and Medium Towers.
  • Medium Intensive Refinery based for Medium Control Towers are now available on the market, enabling more mobile mining and refining operations.
  • Isotope ice in 0.0 has been improved to yield 350 isotopes, and should now be worthile to mine.
  • Starbase sentry guns now react properly to non-corporation members approaching the base.
  • Non-structure items anchored during starbase deployment will no longer remain anchored.
  • Silo CPU Need has been reduced, while Coupling Array & Reactor Array have had increased CPU Need, all Large Control Towers should now be able to run the most complex reactions.
  • Coupling Array CPU Need has been increased.
Agents, Missions and Deadspace
  • Agents
  • Agents now correctly take into consideration the security rating of the system they are in. There was a bug in the formula so that previously, the higher the level and better Effective Quality the agent, the less security rating had effect on the Reward/Bonus Reward/Loyalty Points.
  • Agents Tech Level 2 Componenent rewards will be exchanged with Intermediate and Final materials, the ingredients for the Tech Level 2 Components.
  • Cross faction standing gains from important agent missions work properly.
  • Talking to a new agent no longer wipes the agent memory and they will issue correct missions.
  • Agents now behave and no longer steal the player's ship if they are in the same ship type required to complete the mission.
  • Agents given by missions will now generate a bookmark if the agent is not in your buddy list.
  • Agent mission bookmarks may be dragged and dropped correctly.
  • Agent information windows display correct standing requirements.
  • Missions and Deadspace
  • Loyalty Point and item cost for various offers, including the Navy module offers, have been modified to better reflect market value.
  • More than 40 new missions added into the game.
  • Sergeant Elite and Raid Leader tags should now drop from a few select level 3 important missions from the pirate factions.
  • Defects in some storyline missions have been fixed.
  • Missions that could not be accomplished have been fixed and work properly.
  • Mission referrals go to the proper agents.
  • Tutorials have been updated with new information.
  • Deadspace journal entries generated by mission links display correctly and present proper "Warp to Location" options.
  • Tutorial missions no longer give a standing hit if declined, quit or timed out.
  • The allotted time to complete timed missions and still gain the bonus has been increased significantly.
  • The Centus Sansha has revealed 2 new kinds of complexes run by True Power and True Creations, called Sansha War Supply Complex and Centus Assembly T. P. Co., and the Pith Guristas have revealed a prison facility run by the madman Humfry Dewak, called Pith Penal Complex
  • Some of the hardest complexes operations on TQ, Serpentis Fleet Shipyard and particularly the Angel Military Operations Complex have received a serious blow to their power. Troop reductions in the innermost pockets should be clearly felt.
  • Rogue drone hive- complexes on the other hand have flourished and the rogue drone overseers now often carry valuable equipment. Their strongest hive in particular – the newly discovered Outgrowth Rogue Drone Hive – has flourished.
  • Difficulty level 5 to 8 complexes have spread somewhat further out into the lower security level areas. In addition to the new complexes being spread outwards more, the old ones will now appear much further out also.
  • All Audit Log Secure Containers in space have been anchored. If an audit log secure container in space is not anchored, then it is publicly accessible. Audit Log Secure Containers in stations remain secure as per their configuration.
  • Required skill information for Secure Containers has been added to the description.
  • Secure Containers may be anchored in space with sufficient skill.
  • Station Containers will reprocess correctly.
  • Password protected cargo containers work properly.
  • Containers now have a maximum item count. It is not possible to overload containers or hangars.
War System
  • Mutual War Declarations have been added. These are wars that to are accepted by the party that is declared war upon and as a result have no cost.
  • War Cost Calculations have been simplified. Any war including corporations cost 2 million pr. week. any wars that include an Alliance as any party cost 50 million pr. week. The war cost is then multiplied by the number of non-mututal active wars the Corporation or Alliance has declared on them. Example: If a corporation you are declaring war on already has 3 wars declared on it, your war will cost 4 x 2 million pr. week.
  • Billing and cancellation for wars that have not been paid for are now handled correctly.
  • War System now performs closer checks on all conflicts that a corporation or alliance may be involved in. This will prevent cancellation of conflicts between 2 corporations or alliances with overlapping recipients (Corp1 is at war with Corp2 and Corp3, Corp2 is at war with Corp1 and Corp4. The system will no longer cancel wars between Corp1 and Corp3, nor Corp2 or Corp4.)
  • It is now possible to sell from all corporation division hangars.
  • Using the rightclick "Sell this item" menu option on an item in a hangar no longer generates errors.
  • Region changes in pricing are no longer ignored by the market price history graph.
  • Corporation buy/sell orders will no longer cancel upon a role change.
  • Buy order expiration now returns escrowed ISK immediately.
  • Racial Small and Medium Control Towers are now available on the market.
  • Simple Reaction based for Medium Control Towers are now available on the market.
  • Medium Intensive Refinery based for Medium Control Towers are now available on the market.
  • Standard Crystal is now available on the market.
User Interface and Graphics
  • Default sorting in hangars is fixed
  • Scroll ability has been added to Role and Title management.
  • Escape Menu items work as intended.
  • Multiple buttons displayed when packing insured and uninsured items no longer occur.
  • Character information windows displays all information correctly, including bounty, bio and corporation membership time.
  • Market windows should display properly when using the same window for multiple sells.
  • Items panel retains sort order after undocking and redocking.
  • Map flattening preferences are now remembered by the client.
  • Character are rendered properly when using the in-game browser.
  • Items can be deleted from the Assets Window.
  • Overview bracket colors correctly reflect alliance relationships.
  • F10 map now has an option to color systems based in the illegality of cargo in your hold.
Chat Channels
  • Players will no longer get a confirmation dialogue box when receiving an invitation from a member of their buddy list.
  • Players will no longer be CSPA'd for communicating with other players who have you on their buddy list.
  • Players will no longer be CSPA'd for communicating with fellow corporation members.
  • When a buddy or blocked contact logs off, you get a logged off notification and the windows change their online status accordingly.
  • When a buddy or blocked contact of yours logs on, you get a logged on notification and user entry windows change their online status accordingly.
  • When a new buddy or blocked contact is added, you immediately get their online status.
  • Access control on channels and mailing lists works correctly.
  • Chat channels now display the correct number of players in the channel.
  • The ability to invite a third (or more) player to an existing chat has returned.
  • Chat channel "gag" and "ungag" commands now update the "Muted" list correctly.
  • The Pilots in Space map option now shows a 30 minute average count instead of up-to-date information
  • Warping to a different location no longer occurs if a player lost connection or closed connection and immediately reconnects.
  • Major optimizations to handling handling of charges in weapons to decrease database usage
  • "Stargate jump in progress" message, aka the "Jump Bug", no longer prevents a ship from jumping.
  • Podkilled pilots no longer become stuck until downtime when the clone contract is in a station on a different server node.
  • Alliance Ranking page now works as intended.
  • Corporation can be created while in space without error.
  • Added the keyboard shortucts CTRL-SHIFT-ALT-T and CTRL-SHIFT-ALT-E as workaround to increase performance in fleet battles until the Turret and Effect system have been optimized fully. "T" shuts off Turret effects and "E" shuts off all effects except stargates, cloaking/decloaking and other necessary effects. Disabling turrets should significantly reduce lag from conquerable stations.
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