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EVE Online patch notes build 3913 E-mail
Friday, 01 September 2006
Bloodlines Patch Notes

Fixes, Changes and Improvements

The following changes were applied to Tranquility during a server-side hotfix on 16 June.

  • Market Detail Sorting data was not being saved. This has been resolved.
  • Journal columns were not displaying properly and were too narrow. This has been resolved.
  • NPC Trade Good pricing changes resulting from supply and demand are persisting at downtime as they have in the past.

The following changes were applied to Tranquility during a server-side hotfix on 13 June.

  • Unanchored Control Towers should no longer create issues for anchored Control Towers in the same system.
  • NPCs that use Electronic Warfare will do so properly and NPC EW timers will display as intended.
  • It should no longer be possible to control or bring Drones belonging to other players in deadspace complexes.
  • Light Drones should return to their drone bays when commanded. Note: If this fix does not resolve the return to drone bay (RTDB) issue for you, please submit a bug report with as much detailed information as possible including reproduction steps. This fix resolves the RTDB issues we have been able to reproduce.

The following changes, fixes and improvements were made during a client and server-side patch on 6 June.


  • Carrier cargo holds can no longer be overloaded.

Chat and Messages

  • Switching between tabbed chat channels no longer causes client lag.
  • Links that where wrapped into two or more lines in the chat were not clickable. This error has been resolved.
  • The line spacing in chat windows has been reduced.
  • Mailing list creators can now delete mails from mailing lists they have created.
  • Editing the MOTD of chat channels should no longer make unwanted color changes.
  • A character spacing issue with fonts using cyrillic characters, such as Russian, has been resolved.
  • The issue with the "your banned" window on login and session changes has been resolved.


  • An outgame browser window is opened through the reimbursement option in the petition system instead of being trapped behind the petitions window.
  • Text clipping in the character creation progress has been fixed.
  • Some textures in the Gallente Intaki female, Amarr Ni-kunni male and Jin-mei male avatars have been repaired.
  • The mouse cursor icon will now change when hovered over interactable text and links will be highlighted.

The following is a list of static data that will be published to Tranquility on Tuesday, 20 June.

Static Update Information


  • Carriers, Motherships and Titans have had their corporation hangar array doubled in size.
  • Mothership volume has been decreased and they can now be stored in Capital Ship Assembly and Maintenance Arrays.
  • The Typhoon projectile optimal range bonus has been changed to launcher rate of fire bonus.
  • The description of the Gila has been updated. It incorrectly stated an optimal range bonus instead of the correct hybrid damage bonus.
  • The Sleipnir and Astarte's description have been fixed and display the proper 10% bonus to falloff instead of 5%.
  • An error in the Badger description has been amended.
  • The Eris missile thermal damage bonus has been fixed.
  • The Bantam's description now lists a 20% mining yield bonus instead of an optimal range bonus.
  • The description for the Atron frigate was incorrect and now shows the correct 5% bonus to small hybrid turrets per gallente frigate skill level.
  • The Vengeance laser optimal range bonus has been changed to a laser damage bonus. Also, its armor and power output have increased, while sheilds have been decreased. A new low power slot rounds out the changes.
  • The Wolf projectile optimal range bonus has been changed to a projectile damage bonus. Also, its falloff bonus has been increased to 10% to balance it with other ships of the same class.
  • The Jaguar projectile tracking speed bonus has been changed to a projectile damage bonus. It also has a higher power and cpu output and a new medium power slot.
  • The Hawk launcher rate of fire bonus has been changed to missile kinetic damage bonus, and the hybrid optimal bonus has been changed to missile velocity bonus. It also has a higher power output and a new high power slot. The Hawk now has 4 launcher and 2 turret hardpoints.
  • The Arazu and Lachesis Jump scrambler range bonus has been increased from 10% to 20%.
  • 5% tracking bonuses have been increased to 7.5%, bonuses formerly at 7.5% have been increased to 10%.
  • The volume of Skiff-class ships has been corrected.

Modules, Weapons and Drones

  • 200mm, 425mm and 800mm AutoCannons have a 50% higher ammunition capacity.
  • Focused Medium Beam Laser II falloff has been increased to 6,000m. Its falloff used to be lower than TL1, named and faction equivalents.
  • The Bloodclaw Precision Light Missile description error has been fixed.
  • The Jump Portal Generator I no longer requires Jump Portal Generation at lvl 5. The module may be used with the skill trained to lvl 1.
  • Damage Control module descriptions now list the correct hull resistance.
  • ECCM and Sensor Backup Arrays have been boosted by 60%.

Skills and Implants

  • Removed the Sharpshooting skill requirement from Drone Sharpshooting and Navigation from Drone Navigation.
  • EM, Explosive, Kinetic and Thermic Shield Compensation skill requirements changed from Tactical Shield Manipulation to Shield Operation.
  • Information Warfare Link - Electronic Superiority now gives bonus to ECM jam strength.
  • Information Warfare Link - Recon Operation now gives bonus to Electronic warfare module range.

Player Owned Structures, Science and Industry

  • Corporation Hangar Array has been increased in capacity to 1.4 million total storage.
  • Mission services have been added to the Cloning, Manufacturing and Refining conquerable outposts.
  • Mining Barges can now be built in Medium Ship Assembly Arrays.
  • Elite Mining Barges can now be built in Advanced Medium Ship Assembly Arrays.


  • The Jump Portal Generation & Cloning Facility Operation skills have been added to the market and seeded.

Deadspaces, Agents and Missions

  • The tutorial agents will now refer players to a level 1 agent to prevent issues arising from changes made to the new player system.
  • All overseers in DL4+ complexes and up have received some modification ranging from spawn frequency to aggression radius.
  • The respawn rate of certain overseers has been adjusted.
  • A number of defence tactics in deadspace complexes have been revamped. Some deadspace pockets will now alert the overseer pirates to intruders, while in other pockets the pirate forces are now much more paranoid than before.
  • The spawn time of all "keyholder" equivalents in complexes of difficulty levels 5 to 10 has been adjusted.
  • The aggression range of Overseers in the Angel Military Operations complex has been adjusted.
  • The defenses of the 'Megathron Under Frantic Repair' in the Angel Naval Shipyard have been increased.
  • A rough difficulty estimate has been added for many COSMOS missions. To find the rating, open the show info window of the ship of the agent in question. NOTE: This rating is not available for all COSMOS missions.
  • The volume information for agents in space no longer displays 1.0.
  • The ship blueprint blowout offers have been tweaked (again) to add more emphasis on loyalty points rather than ISK.
  • The Control Headquarters Overseer in one of the deadspace pockets in the Angel Military Operations Complex now operates with reduced capacitor and shield recharge rates, but with increased shield hit points.
  • The mission 'Utopian Signs - Navy Issue Amplifier (3 of 3)' now rewards with credits instead of items.
  • The red warning text in the level 1 version of the Worlds Collide mission has been fixed, it used to incorrectly state that only frigates are allowed through the gates (destroyers are also allowed).
  • The dungeon description of the World's Collide mission has been made more intuitive (especially for the level 1 version).
  • The amount of research tools needed to transport in Artifact Excavations - Tools In Short Supply (2 of 5) have been greatly reduced.
  • The number of marines needed to transport in Operation: Rattlesnake - Filling The Ranks (2 of 3) have been reduced.
  • The message given by agents handing out the "Improving Relations" mission has been changed and clearly states why the player is not given a mission.
  • The spawn frequency of the Overseer Structure in "The Dead Gate" has been reduced.
  • The mission requirements for 'In the Midst of Deadspace, 3/5' have been changed. The gate permit is now required to finish the mission, this prevents a player from accidentally finishing the mission without retrieving the permit required in the following mission.
  • Misleading text in the agent dialogue of the mission 'Mercantile Settlers - Outlaws (5 of 5)' no longer directs the player to the Guristas Outpost, but to the correct moon in the system.
  • The description of the objectives in "Portal to War (2 of 5)" has been fixed, it correctly points out that the timer (for the reinforcements arriving) starts at the mission acceptance rather than when the player enters the complex.
  • An NPC dropping the voucher needed to start off the Audesder/Kenobanala mission sequences has been removed. Instead the player will have to go through one of the recruiters to get the voucher.
  • The defenders of Dream Port in Inder have taken a vacation.
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