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Everquest new expansion announced E-mail
Wednesday, 12 July 2006
Sony announced the release of a new expansion named The Serpent’s Spine for the first Everquest game. The Serpent’s Spine will introduce a new player race, the Drakkin, destructible terrain, new spells, and generally new content for players from level 1 to 75.

SAN DIEGO, CA – July 10, 2006 – Sony Online Entertainment LLC (SOE), a global leader in the online games industry, today announced EverQuest® The Serpent’s Spine™, a new expansion for the Massively Multiplayer Online Role-Playing Game (MMOPRG), EverQuest. EverQuest The Serpent’s Spine will only be available via digital download beginning in September for the price of U.S. $29.99.

“In an ongoing commitment to introducing new features into EverQuest, The Serpent’s Spine introduces the Drakkin, the first new player race since the Frogloks were added to the game seven expansions ago,” said Chris Sturr, Senior Brand Manager, Sony Online Entertainment. “In addition to the new race, players of all levels will benefit from this expansion, as we are including content for levels 1 to 75.”

Players will also be able to explore a new starting city, Crescent Reach, which contains merchants, quests and combat. As in the last expansion, there will be new dynamic features such as auras, traps and destructible terrain. Players will be able to reach level 75 with new spells, raids and abilities.

About EverQuest The Serpent’s Spine
Nestled in a great ravine in the Serpent Spine Mountains is an ancient abandoned ogre city now called Crescent Reach, which is home to a new race born to protect the future of dragon kind, the Drakkin. Six dragons defied the council of the ancient dragons of the Nest and chose to create a new race to protect their future. The Drakkin are borne of humans touched by a dragon's blood and their colors and appearance represent the dragon that created them. Rapidly aging and reaching maturity in only months, the Drakkin forget their human beginnings and make their pilgrimage to Crescent Reach, the home of their dragon creators and the rest of their kind.

EverQuest The Serpent’s Spine features the following:

  • New Player Race: The Drakkin have been created from both human and dragon blood to protect the future of all dragon kind. Several colors and customizations will be available to make each Drakkin character unique, such as elegant scale markings and horns.
  • Level Cap Increase: Players can now reach level 75, complete with new spells, abilities, raids and quests for greater power.
  • Content for Levels 1 to 75: Play through every level of the game without ever leaving the Serpent Spine Mountains.
  • New Starting City: Crescent Reach is a fully functioning city with all that is required to learn and thrive in EverQuest, including merchant, quest, combat and tradeskill areas.
  • Dynamic Features: New zones, NPCs, destructible and interactive objects.
  • New AAs, Spells: Experience new spells and Alternative Advancement abilities.

The EverQuest base game is required for this expansion. For more information on EverQuest The Serpent’s Spine, please visit:

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