The Jedi Expertise Trees There has been quite a bit of interest over what this system means for the Jedi since they have already received one set of enhancements in the recent past (Publish 27). In previous discussions, it was stated that the expertise additions would not impact existing Jedi abilities. During the initial design and balance phase of their trees, we realized that it would be better to evaluate all the Jedi abilities and look at how we could use the expertise system to really flesh out the choices that a Jedi player could make. Doing this, in addition to adding some cool and powerful new abilities, was the best solution for maintaining the balance between professions and ensuring that the Jedi have really cool Expertise trees to use. The two Jedi trees are General and Path. The General tree provides a variety of choices designed to enhance aspects that all Jedi would share. The Path tree provides choices between the Light and Dark side that give appropriately themed enhancements. Expertise Tree Key/Legend  Key/Legend Notes: - The Expertise tree graphics below are concept pieces used to construct the trees and not representative of actual in-game art.
- Specific numbers mentioned in the tree summaries are apt to change as we iterate and test the data over the weeks leading up to the scheduled update.
Jedi - General  Click image to enlarge Name | Description | Points | Effect | Dependency | Minimum Points | Minimum Level | Enhanced Strength | Strength Increase | 2 | 25/point | None | 1 | 10 | Enhanced Constitution | Constitution Increase | 2 | 25/point | None | 1 | 10 | Enhanced Agility | Agility Increase | 2 | 25/point | None | 1 | 10 | Enhanced Stamina | Stamina Increase | 2 | 25/point | None | 1 | 10 | Crippling Accuracy | Force Throw Snare proc | 4 | 25%/point | 2 points in Improved Force Throw; 4 points in General | 1 | 10 | Improved Force Throw | Force Throw +Damage% | 2 | 5%/point | None | 5 | 10 | Alacrity | Dodge% Bonus | 4 | 2%/point | 4 points in General | 5 | 10 | Improved Crippling Accuracy | Force Throw Snare duration | 3 | 2s/point | Crippling Accuracy; 8 points in General | 9 | 18 | Exacting Strikes | Strike/Sweep +Damage% | 4 | 2%/point | 8 points in General | 9 | 18 | Force Cloak | Invisibility | 1 | - | 4 points in Alacrity; 8 points in General | 9 | 18 | Heightened Speed | Force Run Speed increase | 4 | 10%/point | 4 points in General | 9 | 18 | Saber Block | 20% Chance to block a ranged weapon with a Lightsaber | 1 | - | 12 points in General | 13 | 26 | Improved Saber Block | Increases the chance to block a ranged weapon with a Lightsaber | 3 | 20%/point | 1 point in Saber Block; 12 points in General | 14 | 28 | Incisiveness | Critical Strike% Bonus | 4 | 1%/point | 4 points in Exacting Strikes; 8 points in General | 13 | 26 | Second Wind | Force Run Duration increase | 2 | 2s/point | 4 points in Heightened Speed; 8 points in General | 13 | 26 | Force Shockwave | Grants the Force Shockwave series | 1 | - | 16 points in General | 17 | 34 | Improved Force Shockwave | Force Shockwave damage / range increase | 3 | 2%/point 2meters/point | 1 point in Force Shockwave; 16 points in General | 18 | 36 | Fidelity | Damage% (All) Increase | 4 | 1%/point | 4 points in Incisiveness; 16 points in General | 17 | 34 | Improved Force Cloak | Invisibility escapes combat | 1 | - | 1 point in Force Cloak; 16 points in General | 17 | 34 | Unstoppable Force | Force Run Snare/Root Cure/Immunity | 1 | n/a | 2 points in Second Wind; 16 points in General | 17 | 34 | | | Total Points: 50 | | | | Jedi – Path Click image to enlarge Tier | Name | Description | Points | Effect | Dependency | Side | Minimum Points | Minimum Level | 1 | Remorseless Nature | +Action% bonus for Focus | 4 | 5% / point | | Dark | 1 | 10 | 2 | Brutality | +Critical% bonus for Focus | 4 | 1% / point | 4 points in Remorseless Nature | Dark | 5 | 10 | 2 | Force Choke | Grants the Force Choke series | 1 | - | 4 points in Remorseless Nature | Dark | 5 | 10 | 3 | Tempt Hatred | Opponent has a chance to lose 5% of action when striking Jedi | 2 | 10% / point | 4 points in Remorseless Nature; 8 points in path | Dark | 9 | 18 | 3 | Dark Lightning | Grants the Force Lightning series | 1 | - | 4 points in Brutality; 8 points in Path | Dark | 9 | 18 | 3 | Improved Force Choke | Increases damage and duration of the Force Choke series | 2 | 4% / point 4s / point | 4 points in Remorseless Nature | Dark | 9 | 18 | 4 | Wracking Energy | Add snare debuff to Force Lightning | 3 | 2s / point | 4 points in Brutality; 8 points in path | Dark | 13 | 26 | 5 | Maelstrom | Grants Maelstrom, which is an area effect attack. | 1 | - | 3 points in Wracking Energy; 16 points in Path | Dark | 17 | 34 | 5 | Strangulation | Add chance to Root when using Force Choke | 2 | 5% / point | 2 points in Improved Choke; 16 points in Path | Dark | 17 | 34 | | | | | Dark Points: 20 | | | | | 1 | Cautious Nature | +Health% bonus for Stances | 4 | 5% / point | | Light | 1 | 10 | 2 | Practiced Fluidity | +Dodge% bonus for Stances | 4 | 1% / point | 4 points in Cautious Nature | Light | 5 | 10 | 2 | Soothing Aura | +Heal% bonus on Self Heals | 4 | 25% / point | 4 points in Cautious Nature | Light | 5 | 10 | 3 | Reactive response | +Damage taken% is added to action | 2 | 6% / point | 4 points in Practiced Fluidity; 8 points in path | Light | 9 | 18 | 3 | Forsake Fear | +6% Action for the party is regenerated per 1s of meditation up to 10s | 1 | 6% | 4 points in Cautious Nature; 8 points in Path | Light | 9 | 18 | 4 | Force Clarity | +2% Chance for a second strike with a Lightsaber | 1 | 2% | 2 points in Reactive Response; 12 points in Path | Light | 13 | 26 | 4 | Hermetic Touch | Cure/Immunity to Disease/Poison/Fire/Bleed for Self Heals | 1 | - | 2 points in Increased Metabolism; 12 points in Path | Light | 13 | 26 | 5 | Lasting Aura | Self Heal immunity duration increase | 2 | 3s / point | 1 point in Hermetic Touch; 16 points in Path | Light | 17 | 34 | 5 | Anticipate Aggression | Half of Reactive Response damage is converted to action | 1 | 6% | 2 points in Reactive Response; 16 points in Path | Light | 17 | 34 | | | | | Light Points: 20 | | | | | 3 | Cloud Minds | Mind Trick Ability | 1 | - | 3 points in Improved Mind Trick; 10 points in Path | Neutral | 9 | 18 | 4 | Expansive Trickery | Increase Cloud Minds effect radius | 3 | 2 meters /point | 1 point in Cloud Minds; 12 points in Path | Neutral | 13 | 26 | 5 | Lethargy | Add persistent de-aggro to Mind Trick/Cloud Minds | 4 | 2s / point | 3 points in Expansive Trickery; 16 points in Path | Neutral | 17 | 34 | | | | | Neutral Points: 8 | | | | | | | | | Total Points: 48 | | | | | Existing Jedi and the impact of Expertise What this means is that some abilities (or portions of abilities) have been moved into the Expertise tree and will require points to acquire. To help alleviate any initial confusion, Jedi will have their initial Expertise points allocated (based on their level) when they first enter the game after Chapter 2. This initial allocation mimics as closely as possible retaining any abilities (or changes) that have been impacted by the Expertise system. It is important to note that this default allocation also includes Expertise that enhance Jedi in addition to retaining pre-existing abilities that are affected, as some of these newer Expertise are pre-requisites for the changes. If a player would prefer to allocate their Expertise points instead of using the default allocation, they can visit the nearest respec NPC and request that the default allocation be removed and the points restored. At level 90, a Jedi will retain all pre-existing abilities and have enhancements new to the Expertise system with the default allocation. However in some circumstances, Jedi below this level may be missing pre-existing functionality even with the default allocation. Listed below are the abilities affected for Jedi, including when they receive the abilities in default allocation and a comparison of when they received this ability pre-publish and post-publish. Force Throw Force throw as a ranged-damage ability is still available without point expenditure, but the snare component requires Expertise points to be spent to acquire and is located in the Jedi – General expertise tree. The default allocation acquires the appropriate Expertise by level 30: Crippling Accuracy (4/4) – Each Expertise point spent grants a 25% chance to snare the target of a Force Throw attack. This ability was default and available with Force Throw at level 4 previously. Force Lightning Force Lightning has been moved into the Jedi – Path expertise tree. Since this includes an ability in the series that was originally present well before level 10, a new ranged damage ability that shares many characteristics with Force Lightning is available at level 7 (and has no upgrades) called Force Spur. The default allocation acquires the appropriate Expertise at level 20: Dark Lightning (1/1) – Grants the Force Lightning series of abilities; and at level 76: Wracking Energy (1/3) – Adds a snare component to Force Lightning. Each point increases the duration by 2 seconds. This ability was default and available as Force Bolt at level 7 previously. Cloud Minds Cloud Minds has been moved into the Jedi – Path expertise tree; however Mind Trick remains default. The default allocation acquires the appropriate Expertise by level 22: Cloud Minds (1) – Area of Effect Mind Trick ability. This ability was default and available as Cloud Minds at level 26 previously, so the default allocation grants it earlier than the pre-Chapter 2. Force Choke Force Choke has been moved into the Jedi – Path expertise tree. The default allocation acquires the appropriate Expertise at level 10: Force Choke (1/1) – Grants the Force Choke series of abilities. This ability was default and available as Grapple at level 38 previously, so the default allocation grants it significantly earlier than pre-Chapter 2. Force Run The snare/root immunity component of Force Run has been moved into the Jedi – General expertise tree. Force Run as a movement speed increase remains a default ability. The default allocation acquires the appropriate Expertise at Level 66: Unstoppable Force (1/1) – Removes any existing snare or root effects and makes the Jedi immune to snare and root effects for the duration of Force Run. This ability was default and available as Force Run at level 18 previously. Calming Mind (Force Heal) The self heal ability series remains default; however, the cure/immunity aspect has been moved into the Jedi – Path tree. The default allocation acquires the appropriate Expertise at Level 86: Hermetic Touch (1/1) – Removes any Fire, Poison, Disease, or Bleeding effects and makes the Jedi immune to these effects for a small duration after the heal has completed. The ability was a default series that provided individual effect types (Fire, Poison, Disease, and Bleeding) at different levels along the ability's progression: Poison at level 14 (Calming Mind), Disease at level 34 (Meditate), Bleeding at level 58 (Focus of Life), and Fire at level 82 (Force Regeneration). Saber Block Saber Block has been moved into the Jedi – General expertise tree. The default allocation acquires the appropriate Expertise at Level 48: Saber Block (1/1) – Activated ability that blocks incoming attacks 20% of the time for the duration of the ability ; and at Level 54: Improved Saber Block (3/3) – Increase the Saber Block percent chance by 20% per additional point spent, up to a total +60% to block (80% total). This was default as Saber Block at level 34 with a 75% chance of blocking incoming attacks. Force Cloak Force Cloak has been moved into the Jedi – General expertise tree. The default allocation acquires the appropriate Expertise at Level 56: Force Cloak (1/1) – Grants the Jedi invisibility with limited movement for a brief duration. However, this does not break combat with NPCs; and at Level 58: Improved Force Cloak (1/1) – Allows Force Cloak to break combat with NPCs. The Future I hope this information has been helpful in better understanding why we're making these specific changes for Jedi in the Expertise system. Our goal is to provide more choices (and meaningful) to the Jedi player without unbalancing the profession with others as they would be with Expertise trees. Stay tuned for the next com-link where we will detail the Bounty Hunter Expertise trees.
EJDev SOE Senior Designer, Star Wars Galaxies