Star Wars Galaxies is going to introduce the Jedi and Bounty Hunter expertise system with Chapter 2. World of Warcraft players will see similarities between this system and the WoW talents. We have a detailed explanation of the system, together with the list of possible abilities for bounty hunters. Note: For the Jedi tree please click this link .
What is the Expertise System? Before I get into the specific trees, I want to explain the goals of the Expertise system and how it works. The overall goal of the system is to offer new and exciting choices for players to make about the development of their characters. These choices offer players the chance to further customize their character creating more diversity between characters of the same profession and give the player an additional goal when leveling. At level 10, a player earns five Expertise points and then earns 1 point every two levels up to a maximum of forty-five points at level 90. Beginning with Chapter 2, only Jedi and Bounty Hunter characters will be able to interact with the system and allocate these points or even see the Expertise interface. We will introduce the expertise system to two professions per Chapter moving forward. Once a player reaches level 10, they can activate the Expertise interface (it will appear on the Main Menu) and begin allocating their points over the two trees available to their profession. Eventually, a third tree will be introduced that specifically offers choices regarding the Galactic Civil War and Player-versus-Player specific enhancements, but that will not be available after the basic Expertise system is available to all nine professions. Allocating Expertise points will do one of two things for a character. They will either modify an existing ability, such as increasing damage done, or they will unlock new abilities or series of abilities. Players can allocate the points they have earned and even experiment with different choices through the interface without permanently committing to the changes. Once they're satisfied with their allocation, they can choose to “accept” those choices by clicking the “Accept” button. Once accepted these choices can only be undone for a fee through a re-spec (re-specialization option) from the appropriate NPC. Tree Key/Legend  Notes : - The Expertise tree graphics below are concept pieces used to construct the trees and not representative of actual in-game art.
- Specific numbers mentioned in the tree summaries are apt to change as we iterate and test the data over the weeks leading up to the scheduled update.
The Bounty Hunter Expertise Trees The two trees below reflect improvements or brand new abilities for the Bounty Hunter. We are not going to auto-allocate any Expertise points on release for the Bounty Hunter since all expertise choices are additive to the currently existing special abilities. The two Bounty Hunter trees are Bounty Hunting and Bounty Specializations. The Bounty Hunting tree focuses on allowing the Bounty Hunter to enhance or focus on specific areas of actually hunting targets by offering new abilities and improvements to existing trap and ambush abilities. The Bounty Specializations tree emphasizes benefits to the Bounty Hunter wearing assault armor and using carbines and/or rifles as weapons of choice.  Name | Tier | Max | Type | Expertise Pre-req | Points Pre-req | Minimum Level | Maximum Effect | Assault Efficiency | 1 | 4 | Mod | | 1 | 10 | 20% action cost reduction for Assault line. | Intense Assault | 2 | 3 | Mod | | 5 | 10 | 10% Damage increase to assault line specials | Return Fire | 2 | 1 | Abil | Intense Assault | 8 | 16 | Reactive damage (damage shield). 30 seconds; 2 min reuse. | Rapid Assault | 3 | 2 | Mod | | 9 | 18 | Assault cooldown reduced by 1 second | Innate Assault | 5 | 1 | Abil | Rapid Assault | 17 | 34 | Chance per use that using a special from the "Assault" line will cost 0 action. | Antagonize | 3 | 1 | Abil | | 9 | 18 | Attack line that causes low damage but a large amount of hate. | Fumble | 4 | 1 | Abil | Taunt | 13 | 26 | Debuff increases opponent Glancing Blow chance by 20% for 15 seconds, 30sec reuse. Causes large amount of hate. | Stun | 5 | 1 | Abil | Fumble | 17 | 34 | Attack line that roots target and adds 100% Glancing Blow chance for 3 seconds, 30sec reuse. Generates high hate. | Ambush Efficiency | 1 | 3 | Mod | | 1 | 10 | 20% action cost reduction for Ambush line | Surprise Attack | 1 | 1 | Abil | | 1 | 10 | Continuation of the Ambush line. Increases critical chance versus opponent. | Ambush Intensity | 3 | 3 | Mod | | 9 | 18 | 10% Damage increase for Ambush line | Swift Ambush | 4 | 2 | Mod | | 13 | 26 | Ambush line cooldown reduced by 2 seconds | Absorption | 1 | 4 | Mod | | 1 | 10 | +500 Kinetic Protection | Deflection | 2 | 4 | Mod | Absorption | 5 | 10 | +1000 Energy Protection | Shields | 5 | 1 | Abil | Deflection | 17 | 34 | +10000 Energy/Kinetic Protection, +50 Glancing Blow chance for 20seconds. 5min cooldown. | Lethal Mechinations | 1 | 4 | Mod | | 1 | 10 | 20% Damage increase to Maim and trap lines | Trap Extension | 2 | 2 | Mod | | 5 | 10 | Increase trap AOE range by 2m | Cruelty | 3 | 4 | Mod | | 9 | 18 | Increase Maim and trap snare durations by 3sec. | Intimidating Strike | 4 | 1 | Abil | Cruelty | 13 | 26 | Attack line that causes action damage. | Dread Strike | 5 | 1 | Abil | Intimidating Strike | 17 | 34 | Attack that decreases opponent's damage by 25% for 15 seconds, 30sec reuse. | Man Hunter | 5 | 4 | Mod | | 17 | 34 | Gain 5% crit chance versus NPC and Players | Name | Tier | Max | Type | Expertise Pre-req | Points Pre-req | Minimum Level | Maximum Effect | Evasion | 1 | 4 | Mod | | 1 | 10 | +50 AGI | Pain Tolerance | 1 | 4 | Mod | | 1 | 10 | +50 CON | Marksmanship | 1 | 4 | Mod | | 1 | 10 | +50 PRE | Endurance | 1 | 4 | Mod | | 1 | 10 | +50 STA | Carbine Efficiency | 2 | 4 | Mod | | 5 | 10 | Reduce Action cost by 15% | Carbine Marksmanship | 3 | 2 | Mod | | 9 | 18 | Increase Carbine Damage by 5% | Deadly Strikes | 4 | 1 | Mod | Carbine Marksmanship | 13 | 26 | Gain 5% crit chance with carbine | Relentless Onslaught | 5 | 1 | Abil | Deadly Strikes | 17 | 34 | Action Costs reduced by +75% for 15 seconds. 5 minute reuse. | Rifle Efficiency | 2 | 4 | Mod | | 5 | 10 | Reduce Action cost by 15% | Rifle Marksmanship | 3 | 2 | Mod | | 9 | 18 | Increase Rifle Damage by 5% | Sniper Shot | 5 | 1 | Abil | Rifle Marksmanship | 17 | 34 | Line of high damage attacks. Requires prone. 60 sec cooldown. | Take Cover | 4 | 1 | Abil | Sniper Shot | 13 | 26 | Buff: Requires prone. +40% Dodge versus ranged. 15sec duration 2 min reuse. | Assault Kinetic Defense | 3 | 4 | Mod | | 5 | 10 | +1000 Kinetic Protection while wearing a full set of Assault Armor | Assault Energy Defense | 3 | 4 | Mod | | 9 | 18 | +2000 Energy Protection while wearing a full set of Assault Armor | Assault Melee Defense | 4 | 3 | Mod | | 13 | 26 | +5 Glancing Blow versus Melee while wearing a full set of Assault Armor | Assault Ranged Defense | 4 | 3 | Mod | | 13 | 26 | +5 Glancing Blow versus Energy while wearing a full set of Assault Armor | Power Assisted Sprint | 5 | 1 | Abil | Assault Melee Defense | 17 | 34 | Buff: Increase run speed 60% for 30 seconds; 3 min cooldown. Must wear a full set of Assault Armor. | Duelist Stance | 5 | 1 | Abil | Assault Ranged Defense | 17 | 34 | Buff line: +Energy Protection, +Ranged Glancing Blow chance. 90 second cooldown. | The Future Many players expressed concerns after the last Comlink post about the integration of existing abilities into the Expertise trees. I specifically stated in replies to those concerns, on the previous Comlink, that the Jedi profession was the exception in this system in terms of existing abilities being rolled into Expertise trees. My hope is that this Comlink will put to rest those concerns. Again, your feedback is welcome and I appreciate your interest in the system! Please have a good weekend! EJDev SOE Senior Designer, Star Wars Galaxies |