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Dungeons and Dragons adds new spells E-mail
Friday, 30 June 2006
After the announcement of Spell Swapping for Sorcerers and Bards and the rework done to the Sorcerer's "Energy" line of spells, it's now time to add some new spells for Wizards, Sorcerers and one for Bards.

New Spells for Players

Niac's Cold Ray
Shoots a ray of ice at your foes; does 1d10 per caster level, max 5d10 (Reflex save negates) cold damage to a single target. Niac's Cold Ray is a level 1 spell for wizards and sorcerers.

This spell unlocks locked doors and chests as if a rogue with a pick locks skill of caster level + ability modifier (where the ability is int for wizards and cha for sorcerers) was attempting to pick the lock. Knock is a level 2 spell for wizards and sorcerers.

Dimension Door
This spell, castable only in dungeons and adventure areas, creates a door of magical energy. Any member of your party may click on the door to return them to the inside entrance of the area (you will be returned to the inside entrance so you won't take an XP hit for exiting the adventure). There is no waiting time, unlike recalling, and the teleport cannot be interrupted by monsters hitting you. Dimension Door is a level 4 spell for wizards, sorcerers, and bards.

Wall of Fire
Creates a wall of flames in front of you. Watch and laugh as monsters run into it and burn; don't forget to bring the BBQ sauce. Wall of Fire is a level 4 spell for wizards and sorcerers.

This spell is usable only in town and is designed to lower your time spent traveling. It lets you pick from several destinations useful to wizards and sorcerers (the marketplace, your class trainers, etc). Please be advised that as per D&D 3.5 rules, this spell has a 3% failure rate. Teleport is a level 5 spell for wizards and sorcerers.

New Spells for Monsters

Monsters also have several new spells (some of which will be available to players once the level cap is increased), but we will let you discover those on your own...
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