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Friday, 23 June 2006
With the last update DAOC introduced Cathal Valley, an open field battleground for levels 45 to 49, art updates and much much more. Check the patch notes.

Hey, y'all. Important note: If your class got a respec in this patch, it was not forced upon you. There is a special new kind of respec that is enabled on your character if you have one coming to you. The command is "/respec Mythic" and is explained below:


Dark Age of Camelot
Version 1.84 Release Notes
New Battleground, Class Changes and Art Revamps
June 21, 2006



Camelot is the premier Realm vs. Realm MMO on the market today. As part of our commitment to RvR, we have recently polled our customers with many popular RvR enhancement ideas. Our goal was to focus resources on these ideas throughout the remainder of the year. Based on community feedback and the results of our polling, this version introduces the following changes and additions:

New Level 45-49 BG: In this version, we have deployed a new battleground, Cathal Valley, covering levels 45-49, lower Realm Ranks, and lower Master Levels. The addition of this battleground addresses players in the level 45-49 level range who were frustrated by the inability to get groups and participate in New Frontiers RvR.

Underwater areas: The addition of underwater hunting areas in the classic areas of Hibernia and Albion is now complete with this version.

Since version 1.81, we have adjusted nineteen classes, in many cases making very significant changes. In this version, we assessed the impact of all of these changes as a whole, and we have refined these adjustments as needed. In many cases, we made additional improvements based on our assessment. (Please see all of the class notes below in the CLASS CHANGES AND FIXES section.)

Bolts: The bolt classes in the game have often struggled to find the proper role for these spells. While originally designed as opening gambits, the movement speed of modern RvR has significantly diminished this utility. In addition, bolts fail as standoff spells, as players cannot rely on bolts to hit opponents who are in combat. In this version, we have reduced the cast timers on bolts to allow them to be used as combat openers once again. We also altered the "target in combat" restrictions for bolts, allowing players to better use these spells in standoff situations.



New Battleground - Cathal Valley

 - A new battleground named "Cathal Valley" is being introduced with this version. This battleground is a brand new type of 'open field' battleground, empty of keeps and towers. It is for players who are levels 45-49, with realm ranks of up to 4L9 and the master levels of up to ML5.
 - Each realm has sent out a contingent of guards to protect their portal keep in the new battleground of Cathal Valley.

 - A basic monster population has been given to Cathal Valley. This population includes camps of monsters, which are able to be charmed by the appropriate classes.

 - The gatehouse doors on top of the milegates in Cathal Valley are realm-specific and they do not open. These doors require the player to left-click on them in order to be ported in or out of the small room. These doors are, however, able to be destroyed by enemies. Once destroyed, they may be repaired by players, but they cannot be upgraded. These doors will also not auto-repair.

Art Upgrades

 - Several structures throughout the land have received upgraded art.

 - All towers in the Bog of Cullen have received upgraded art.

 - All Classic world lizard monster models and associated trophies have received upgraded art in the Catacombs engine client.

 - All Classic world worm monster models have received upgraded art in the Catacombs engine client.

 - Several Classic world goblin monster models have received upgraded art in the Catacombs engine client.

Master Level Experience Changes

 - Almost every monster level 61 or higher is now worth some amount of Master Level experience. This includes monsters found throughout the game in Classic zones, Shrouded Isles, Catacombs, Atlantis, etc.

 - Many monsters have had their Master Level experience values increased.

 - Players are now worth more Master Level experience in RvR.

Player Command Additions and Changes

 - The commands '/gc demote' and '/gc promote' now work on offline characters.

 - A new command, '/gc removeaccount', has been added, which removes all character's associated with the same account as the target character from a player guild.

 - The command "/gc who" now shows AFK players as <AFK>.

 - The "/gc officerdisplay" command has been replaced with "/gc webranks". The /gc webranks command determines whether characters in the guild will be listed with their ranks on the herald. The command "/gc webranks hide" will hide ranks, "/gc webranks show" will show ranks. Newly created guilds default to showing ranks.
 - Added offline guild member removal support. This is performed with the /gc remove command and may be used on a targeted character or on a specified character with the form "/gc remove (name)" or "/gc remove (name)-(server)" for clustered servers.

 - A new method for respecializing (/respec) has been added to the game, for cases in which some classes may be provided a respec for changes made to them during the patch cyle. This new "Mythic respec" is used by visiting one's trainer and typing the command "/respec mythic". This is a full respec and it will generate the usual confirmation window. Please also note that this type of respec does not expire and will not be deleted even if the character levels before using it.

Help Window Update

 - Added additional information for upgrading or downgrading player houses.

Monster And NPC Notes

 - Specialty titles have been implemented for NPCs providing special services. Examples of such NPCs are Realm Point Removers, Trifecta Dealers and Dread Seal Merchants.
 - The <Epic> title has been added to monsters whose abilities and tricks make their con deceptive. A yellow-con <Epic> monster may require a full group to defeat, despite its equal level. Throughout the next several patches, the <Epic> tag will be added to additional monsters as appropriate.

Bug Fixes

 - The command /housefriend may now be used to add guilds whose names are comprised of a single word.

 - The command '/gc buff' will now display current guild buff information to guild members on any server within a cluster.

 - Guard spam will now display to guild members on any server within a cluster.
 - Bonus experience messages will now display to guild members on any server within a cluster.

 - The command '/housefriend account' will now allow access to characters which are based on any server within a cluster.

 - Previously, if the group leader was out of range of a PvP kill on normal servers, only the group leader would receive gold. This has been fixed. If a group leader is now out of range of a PvP kill, the group leader will not receive gold, and any group members who are within range of the PvP kill will receive gold.

 - The '/housefriend rank (rank)' command, which adds a particular rank of the guild associated with a house as a housefriend, previously required the rank to be specified as the string name of the guild rank. It will now accept either the string name or the numeric rank identifier (0-9), so '/housefriend rank 0' will add rank 0 of the guild as a housefriend. The resulting successful display message from '/housefriend rank (rank)' will now display the rank number in addition to the rank name.

 - Previously, when some casters trained in certain spell lines, the caster would receive messages stating "You learn the XXX spell ability" with XXX being incorrect. This has been fixed.

 - Players on horses must now dismount in order to pray and receive experience.
 - The numerical value of delve information for power rend spells will now display correctly as positive instead of negative numbers.
 - The list of commands shown when using "/gc" now includes "/gc logins".

 - The /angry emote text has been updated to be grammatically correct.

 - Fixed a discrepancy in how Dun da Behnn was being spelled in the chat window when targeting that particular outpost on the realmwar map.



General Class Notes

 - For this version, all existing Valkyries, Valewalkers and Reavers have been granted a full Mythic respec. (Please see the note on "Mythic respec" above in the NEW THINGS AND BUG FIXES section.)
 - The Bleed effect from Dual Shadows will no longer be resisted. This also applies to both PvP and PvE servers.

 - Fire and Forget pets - such as Theurgist and Animist pets - may once again be cast on Phase Shifted players. However, pets will still not actually damage a player who is Phase Shifted until the effect wears off. (Note: This change reverts functionality back to the way it worked before 1.83, based on feedback received from the player community.)

Bolt Spell Changes

 - All single target bolts belonging to the Wizard, Runemaster, Eldritch, Shaman and Warlock have had their cast timers reduced by 20%. Thus, all bolt spells with a cast time of 2.5 seconds have been changed to have a cast time of 2.0 seconds, and all bolt spells with a cast time of 4.0 seconds have been changed to have a cast time of 3.2 seconds.

 - Bolts have been changed so that they will no longer fail to hit a target in combat unless the target is being melee attacked by an enemy who is within a range of 200 units. In such cases, there is a 20% chance of failure for each attacker within a range of 200 units.
For example, there are three players - Player A, Player B and Player C. Player B is melee attacking Player A, and is within a range of 200 units. Player C is the bolt caster who is casting a bolt at Player A. Since Player A is being melee attacked by Player B, and Player B is within a range of 200 units, the bolt from Player C has an 80% chance of landing on Player A (not withstanding normal built-in hit/miss rates). However, if Player A has other attackers begin melee attacking at a range of less than 200 units, the chance of Player C's bolt hitting Player A will be reduced by 20% for each attacker. Therefore, if Player A is being melee attacked by two enemies within a range of 200 units, Player C's bolt only has a 60% chance of hitting; if Player A is being melee attacked by three enemies, then Player C's bolt has only a 40% chance of hitting; all the way up to five or more melee attackers, in which case Player C's bolt will completely fail to hit Player A.

This change is an improvement for bolt casters over how it functioned in the game prior to this version. Before, if a bolt caster attempted to hit a player who was in combat with one enemy - regardless of that enemy's range or type of combat - the bolt would fail 20% of the time. This also stacked up to 100%, but again with no discernment in the form of the attack. This new change does not penalize the bolt caster when his or her target is being attacked by enemies who are more than 200 units away in distance.

Master Level Ability Notes

 - Banelord: All spells and Abilities, except for Demoralization and Zone of Unmana, have been made to interrupt other players who are casting.

 - Banelord: The radius on the following abilities has been reduced to 750: Primal Agony, Oppression, Inexorable Defeat, Tactical Insight, Chaotic Power, Agony Transmission and Demoralization.

 - When a Ravenclan Giant is charmed and the ML9 ability, Summoning Mastery, is used on it, the giant will no longer be made miniature, but instead will remain the same size.

Druid, Healer and Cleric

 - The amount of hit points and power granted upon resurrection from the Realm ability Perfect Recovery has been increased to 50% at tier 2.

Hero, Warrior and Armsman

 - The recast time for Taunting Shout has been lowered to 20 seconds.

 - The duration of Fury and Rampage have been increased to 20 seconds.

 - The Memories of War ability was not scaling correctly. This has been fixed and will now grant a 20% value at level 50.

Armsman and Paladin

 - Defender's Rage is now a Frontal Positional style and has an attack speed debuff.

 - Poleaxe now has a snare effect.

 - Rile now has a high bonus to hit.

 - Fury now has a high bonus to hit.

 - Doubler now has a medium bonus to hit.


 - Polearm: The bleed spell from Defender's Aegis will no longer be resisted.


 - Cabalist pets have been added to the list of pets that can be commanded to perform various emotes by their owner.


 - The top tier of Wolf, Bear and Lynx pets will now be slightly higher levels. (85% of your level instead of 75%.) The top tier of Wolf will also perform combat styles similar to the Bear and Lynx.


 - The heal associated with Holy Staff has been changed to a Heal over Time instead of a direct heal.

 - The heal associated with Holy Staff will now pulse at a faster speed.


 - Hunter's Lance damage and growth rates have been increased slightly.


 - Hunter pets will no longer trigger reactive armor procs on other players.


 - When Necromancer pets are attacked, the shade will now see the attack messages in the correct (You are hit) message channel.

 - If a Necromancer releases a pet (through zoning, releasing the pet, or by moving beyond tether range of the pet), the Necromancer will now be left with the same percentage of hit points that the pet had upon release. (Previously, the Necromancer would be left with 10% hit points regardless of how much health (under 100%) the pet had when released.) For example, if a pet is released with 50% hit points, the Necromancer will be left with 50% hit points as well.


 - A new instant cast Resurrection spell has been added to Chants which will Resurrect a dead realm mate with 25% power and 25% health at spec 35. This spell has a 5 minute recast timer.

 - The recast time for taunt spells has been increased to 20 seconds.


 - Soulrending Lifetap spells are now on separate timers again, for good this time. Our apologies to the community for any stress or issues this may have caused in the past.


 - Sword styles for Thanes have been adjusted in the following manner:

Assault now has a 20 energy DD
Ice Storm now has a 50 energy DD
Polar Rift now has a 75 energy DD
Ragnarok now has a 150 energy DD

 - Axe styles for Thanes have been adjusted in the following manner:

Thrym's Strength now has a 20 energy DD
Raider now has a 50 energy DD
Arctic Rift now has a 100 energy DD
Tyr's Fury now has a 150 energy DD

 - Call of a Thousand Storms is now an instant cast spell


 - The Ablative amount for the Valewalker's RR5 ability (Vale Defense) has been increased to 500 points.

 - Scythe Styles have been re-organized in the following manner:

Parry -> Sawgrass -> Thorny Shield
Evade -> Arboreal Fire -> Flaming Scythe
side -> Stunning Blade -> Blizzard Blade
Rear -> Foxfire -> Winter's Scythe
Frontal-> Grasping roots -> Conflagration

 - Arboreal Shield is now available at Spec 21 in Scythe.

 - Grasping Roots is now available at Spec 34 in Scythe and has a 10 second PBAE Root.

 - Conflagration now procs a 150 DD spell.

 - Foxfire is now a Rear positional Style.

 - Grasping Roots is now a Frontal positional Style.

 - Conflagration damage type has been set to Heat.

 - Conflagration now correctly delves as a level 50 style.

 - The Odin's Retribution line is now an instant cast to start the chant.

 - Whirling Spear now procs a Bleed effect.

 - The Valkyrie has been granted a Mending baseline and a new Mending specialization line with "combat healing" as the focus. The Valkyrie Mending specialization is as follows:

Heal over Time: Single target. Target is healed during the spell's duration.
5 Odin's Antidote Friend 0s/10 seconds/5s 2000 range effect:24 cost:14
10 Odin's Medicant Friend 0s/10 seconds/5s 2000 range effect:47 cost:27
15 Odin's Cure Friend 0s/10 seconds/5s 2000 range effect:71 cost:37
20 Odin's Elixir Friend 0s/10 seconds/5s 2000 range effect:94 cost:46
Heal over Time (stacking HoT): Single target. Target is healed during the spell's duration.

30 Odin's Greater Antidote Friend 0s/10 seconds/5s 2000 range effect:36 cost:21
35 Odin's Greater Medicant Friend 0s/10 seconds/5s 2000 range effect:70 cost:40
40 Odin's Greater Cure Friend 0s/10 seconds/5s 2000 range effect:106 cost:55
45 Odin's Greater Elixir Friend 0s/10 seconds/5s 2000 range effect:141 cost:69

Heal over Time: Group. Target is healed during the spell's duration.

7 Shieldmaiden's Aid group 2.0s/10 seconds/0s 2000 range effect:19 cost:11
12 Shieldmaiden's Alleviation group 2.0s/10 seconds/0s 2000 range effect:37 cost:21
17 Shieldmaiden's Redress group 2.0s/10 seconds/0s 2000 range effect:56 cost:29
22 Shieldmaiden's Remedy group 2.0s/10 seconds/0s 2000 range effect:75 cost:36

Hit point Regeneration Increase (stacking Heal which enhances the amount of Hit points regenerated) - group target. Target is healed during the spell's duration.

32 Valkyrie's Aid group 2.5s/10 seconds/0s 2000 range effect:28 cost:16
37 Valkyrie's Alleviation group 2.5s/10 seconds/0s 2000 range effect:55 cost:31
42 Valkyrie's Redress group 2.5s/10 seconds/0s 2000 range effect:84 cost:43
47 Valkyrie's Remedy group 2.5s/10 seconds/0s 2000 range effect:112 cost:54

Point Blank Are of Effect Heal: Heals target for a very large amount of health.

9 Odin's Amelioration realm 0s/0/15s 350 radius effect:108 cost:23
12 Odin's Purification realm 0s/0/15s 350 radius effect:138 cost:29
16 Odin's Recovery realm 0s/0/15s 350 radius effect:177 cost:36
22 Odin's Reparation realm 0s/0/15s 350 radius effect:235 cost:48
31 Odin's Restoration realm 0s/0/15s 350 radius effect:314 cost:64
41 Odin's Reconstruction realm 0s/0/15s 350 radius effect:411 cost:81
50 Odin's Emendation realm 0s/0/15s 350 radius effect:500 cost:99

 - A new instant cast Resurrection spell has also been added to Valkyrie Mending line, which will resurrect a dead realm mate with 25% power and 25% health at spec 35. This spell has a 5 minute recast timer.

 - The Odin's Retribution line can now be cast while in combat.

 - The following changes have been made to Sword styles for Valkyries:

Ice Storm now has a 50 DD
Polar Rift now has a 75 DD
Ragnarok now has a 150 DD

 - Wild Healing and Mastery of Healing are now available to Valkyries as Realm Abilities.

 - Call of a Thousand Storms is now an instant cast spell.

 - The Valkyrie style Sif's Revenge will now chain correctly off of the Ice storm style.

 - The resurrection spell from Odin's Will (Call from Valhalla) no longer overwrites the Baseline Mending Resurrection spell (Arrival from Valhalla).



With this version, we have begun a revamp of the tradeskill system. Due to the number of changes required, the revamp will take place over the course of several versions. For version 1.84, we have focused on changing aspects of the tradeskill system that will help us clear the way for the major changes to come.

General Tradeskill Notes

 - Consignment tasks are now available for Spellcrafting and Alchemy, up to skill 650. Please note that only a select set of recipes for each tradeskill was chosen to be given as a consignment task; the recipes selected share some ingredients, to minimize the load on inventory space.

 - The smith's hammer, sewing kit, planing tool, spellcraft kit, mortar and pestle, and alchemy kit are no longer required components for recipes. You will only need to be standing near the lathe, forge, or alchemy table if the recipe called for that previously.

 - Spellcrafting and Alchemy components will now stack up to 200 and weigh a maximum of 5 pounds when fully stacked.

 - Legendary weapon components are now stackable up to 50 (Torch of Innovation, Cauldron of Vivifying Water, Vial of Heavenly Breezes, Dust of Creation).

 - Many items which are used in crafting have been added to monster treasure tables throughout the lands (excluding ToA).

 - The damage bonus on Legendary Weapons will now work on any target except other players.


 - The recipes for complex potions have been flattened so that crafted potions are no longer required as ingredients to make the final potion. Instead, you will only need a portion of the materials that were used for the ingredient potions. For example: Elixir of Might required both an Elixir of Strength and an Elixir of Constitution, along with ancient treant wood. You will now only need heated, dusty, and vapor distills and ancient treant wood to make the potion. (Note: This does not apply to Effects, Charges or Reactive Effects.)

 - The recipes for the weariness and lethargy poisons have also been flattened so that crafted potions are no longer required as ingredients to make the poison.

 - The extraordinary behemoth potion will now stack up to 50.

 - Various tradeskill components for Alchemy, which were not included during the initial revamp of stack size and weight, have been adjusted accordingly. A stack of 200 now weighs 5 pounds instead of 50 pounds or more.


 - Chain (Albion & Midgard), Scale and Plate recipes have been changed to no longer require liners as recipe ingredients. Due to this change, the recipe's ingredients have been altered to require the leather and cloth materials that were needed for liners (for example, if you needed 3 metal bars and a cloth liner for a recipe, you will now need 3 metal bars, cloth squares, and heavy thread instead).

 - Steeple hat, crown, circlet, and wreath patterns will now stack up to 200. The weight for these patterns has also been significantly reduced.

Basic Crafting

 - Spellcrafting and Alchemy have been added to Basic Crafting for all realms.


 - All newly crafted caster staves have "50 Focus All" (on any newly created staff at any level) in the fifth slot. This allows the staves to be spell crafted in the other 4 slots and have the Focus bonus at no additional imbue cost. It should be noted that this focus bonus applies to all levels of all crafted caster staves.

 - All Legendary Weapons now have the first 3 slots open for spell crafting. This will not retro-actively apply to existing Legendary weapons. Only newly created Legendary Weapons will have the first 3 slots open.

 - The etched aquamarine eye will now stack up to 50.


 - Liner and liner conversion recipes have been removed from Albion, Midgard, and Hibernia tailoring.

 - Liner stores have been removed from all areas of the world.

 - Steeple hat, crown, circlet, and wreath patterns will now stack up to 200. The weight for these patterns has also been significantly reduced.



 - The boat path from the dock near Hurbury to Nottmoor Faste has been fixed to drop you off near Nottmoor Faste rather than near Bledmeer Faste.

 - The dock at Dun Crauchon has been moved. It is now on the coast facing the island that Dun Crauchon is located on; this brings it in line with the position of the docks at Caer Benowyc and Bledmeer Faste. Boat paths, NPCs, the map, and the like have been adjusted to accommodate the new dock location.

 - Keep lords are now worth a substantial amount of Master Level experience.

 - Removed a number of miscellaneous unused NPCs from the border keeps to help lag issues. This was done on both the Home Realm and Frontier side of the border keeps.

 - New teleporters were added to the Frontier side of the border keeps. These teleporters will teleport players to the Frontier Towns. The teleporter will only function if the Relic milegates associated with the Frontier Town are closed.



Classic Underwater Changes

 - Continuing the project started in 1.83 in Midgard, the ability to adventure underwater is being added to the classic zones of Albion and Hibernia. Players will find that they can now dive in and explore the depths of the rivers, lakes, and ocean front that litter their landscape. Monsters added to the Albion and Hibernia underwater areas currently do not have loot tables; this will be addressed as the patch cycle continues.

 - Boat routes have been added to the Albion and Hibernian realms for the classic zones as part of the underwater upgrade. The boats function similar to the boats available in the frontiers. Dock masters for Albion can be found at Cotswold, Prydwen Keep, and the Prydwen Keep bridge. Dock masters for Hibernia can be found at Mag Mell, Tir na mBeo, Ardagh, and Howth. The dock masters sell tickets for the following boat routes:


 Cotswold to Prydwen Keep
 Cotswold to Prydwen Keep bridge
 Prydwen Keep to Cotswold
 Prydwen Keep to Prydwen Keep bridge
 Prydwen Keep bridge to Cotswold
 Prydwen Keep bridge to Prydwen Keep


 Mag Mell to Tir na mBeo
 Mag Mell to Ardagh
 Mag Mell to Howth
 Tir na mBeo to Mag Mell
 Tir na mBeo to Ardagh
 Tir na mBeo to Howth
 Ardagh to Mag Mell
 Ardagh to Tir na mBeo
 Ardagh to Howth
 Howth to Mag Mell
 Howth to Tir na mBeo
 Howth to Ardagh

 - Along with tickets to the new boat routes, the dock masters also sell a new water potion that will work for characters of any level. This will allow players to explore the new underwater content at their leisure without worrying about drowning (at least for an hour). The effect of the 'standard nereid potion' will last for 60 minutes and the potion has 20 charges.

 - Consignment tasks will no longer send players to the NPCs patronizing the Trifecta Dealer.

 - The available teleport locations used by the major porter NPCs have been standardized. This means you should have the same available locations whether you use the porter in the border keep, the cities, or your house. You will also notice the number of options has increased overall with the consolidation of the porters.

 - The keywords used by the major porter NPC's have been standardized. For example, all keywords to port to your guild house are now just [guild] instead of [guild], [guild house], or even [guild's house] as they were before. As well, some of the locations will recognize shortened versions of the keyword for sake of typing convenience. ex. Saying 'Ligen' will take you to Druim Ligen.

 - The following pets will now perform emotes as commanded by their owner: The Necromancer abominations, the Enchanter underhill pets, the Spiritmaster spirit pets, the Cabalist pets and the Bonedancer commander pets. To issue the command you must target the pet and /say or /whisper the command word.

The word triggers are:

Dance, silly, pick me, stagger, doh, confused, tired, cold, stinky, look out, dismiss, beg, salute, military, present, shrug, agree, disagree, cry, slit, wave, rude, beckon, shy, cheer, victory, clap, flex, kiss, point, laugh, chicken, sweat, worship, lecture, surrender, forward, ponder and curtsey.



General Notes

 - Server channelers have been added to the primary and secondary border keeps.

 - Tinderboxes of various levels have been spread far and wide across classic zones on humanoid monsters of all levels.

Quest Notes - Midgard

 - A Hero Desires a Sword – Step 2 of this quest now directs players to the correct town.

 - Whispers of Conflict - Players on step 2 will notice that their quest journals now correctly refer to Oslin’s location in the village of Mularn.

 - To end any confusion between the following NPCs with similar names, we have modified all mention of them to state either Vigdis in Mularn or Vigdis Gythja of Hel.

 - Mystic Trainer - Kobolds who were stuck on various steps of this quest will now be able to complete the quest.

 - Trappers Pride - This quest was modified to be more in line with the level of the area where the quest starts.

 - Newfound Group - This quest was modified to be more in line with the level of the area where the quest starts.

 - Trappers Joy - This quest was modified to be more in line with the level of the area where the quest starts.

 - Culmination - The majority of the vendo grunts that had previously established a stronghold inside Queen Vuuna's camp have been removed.

Quest Notes - Hibernia

 - Mag Mell Delivery - Anice was relocated to the stables in Mag Mell. The quest journal directions were updated to reflect this change.

 - Argent Arrowheads - This quest now has updated directions for step 2.

 - Sweating the Smith - This quest now has updated directions for step 3.

 - Ley Line Legerdemain – The player no longer lands in the haystack when ported on step 7 and 8.

 - Spicket, Spackit and Spykit – The journal entry for step 12 now displays the correct directions.

 - Spicket, Spacket, and Spykit - This quest can now be deleted.

 - Mag Mell Delivery - The journal directions were updated for the delivery steps of this quest. Players will now be told to find Sentinel Maitais near the portal to the Grove of Domnann.

Quest Notes - Albion

 - Services Rendered – Stonemason Harwin now accepts the correct item on step 1 to continue the quest.

 - Delivering News to West Downs – Step 1 now has updated directions.

 - Cotswold Delivery - Players on step 4 will notice that their quest journals now correctly refer to Cemmeth Budgwold’s location in the village of Cotswold.

Item Notes - General

 - Added a wieldable roleplay item (turkey leg) to the fare offered by bartenders around the realms.

 - New wieldable roleplay items have been added to the roleplay clothing merchants in each realm. The items are: scroll, key, rolling pin and quill.

 - Added a new deployable roleplay item to the tent vendors at each of the realm festivals. This "instant sack" item, which creates a sand bag on the ground, can be used in a similar fashion to the previous housing zone restricted roleplay items (fence, boxes, cart...). The delve information for this item is: This item can only be used in the housing zones and can't be used within 512 units of monsters or NPCs in the game. To use the item, drop it on the ground. It will last 30 minutes and cannot be picked up.

 - Fixed spelling error on tickets/boats for Prydwen Keep and Prydwen Keep Bridge routes.

 - The majority of monsters have now been given ROG treasure in addition to their existing treasure. (However, animals, plants, insects and reptiles will still not drop ROG items.)

Monster Notes - Midgard

 - The merchant Frey in Audliten has been moved so that he is able to be targeted easier which should give a boost to his business.

 - The monster 'vendo footman' has been modified so that it drops level-appropriate loot.

 - The monsters 'Njordalf youth' and 'kingcrab' have been modified so that they will continue to attack and follow properly if engaged.

 - The monster 'waterlogged corpse' has been modified so it will attack and follow properly if engaged.

 - Several monsters in the Vendo Caves have had their chance to parry removed.

 - The appearance of Midgard Hasteners have changed so that they are easier to see.

 - The "njordalf warriors" now equip weapons properly and "njordalf mystics" will cast spells properly.

Monster Notes - Hibernia

 - A Druid trainer has been added to Connla.

 - Channeler Murphy has been moved slightly so that he does not overlap with the House Findias Missionary.

Monster Notes - Albion

 - Fixed spelling error on Prydwen Keep Bridge Dockmaster.

 - Adjusted one of the 'witherwood' spawns in Avalon Marsh so they spawn in the water rather than above it.

 - The "water elf warriors" now equip weapons properly and "water elf sorcerers" will cast spells properly.



General Notes

 - Server channelers have been added to the Shrouded Isle primary cities near the portals: Caer Gothwaite, Aegirhamn and Domnann.

Item Notes - General

 - The drop rate for tinctures off boss monsters in the epic SI dungeons has been increased. Also many more monsters now drop tinctures besides the boss monsters in these dungeons.

Monster Notes - Albion

 - Palifan in Caldey can no longer be charmed.



General Notes

 - Merchant Arerranna, located in Volcanus Haven, will now sell the proper assortment of items. This fixes an issue that had her displaying two pages of duplicate items.

 - Added a djinn stone and server channeler to the Ruins of Atlantis.

 - Added a server channeler to Oceanus Haven.

Quest Notes - Oceanus

 - Ring of Unyielding Will: This encounter was modified so that the main monster, Mordom, will return to its original spawn area should he be pulled from that location during the encounter. Previously, it was possible that the monster could increasingly find itself away from its normal spawn in some circumstances.

 - Aten's Shield: Increased the chance of finding Aten's Shield, making it is easier to get credit for this encounter.

 - The Skyros Order, 30-39: The faction reward for this quest was increased. Players only need to complete the quest once to receive the required faction amount.
 - The Skyros Order, 40-50: The faction reward for this quest was increased. Players only need to complete the quest once to receive the required faction amount.

 - The Naxos Society, 30-39: The faction reward for this quest was increased. Players only need to complete the quest once to receive the required faction amount.

 - The Naxos Society, 40-50: The faction reward for this quest was increased. Players only need to complete the quest once to receive the required faction amount.

 - The Melos Alliance, 30-39: The faction reward for this quest was increased. Players only need to complete the quest once to receive the required faction amount.
 - The Melos Alliance, 40-50: The faction reward for this quest was increased. Players only need to complete the quest once to receive the required faction amount.

 - The Mau of Sekhmet: The faction reward for this quest was increased. Players only need to complete the quest once to receive the required faction amount.

 - The Mau of Bastet: The faction reward for this quest was increased. Players only need to complete the quest once to receive the required faction amount.

Quest Notes - Aerus

 - Enyalio's Boots: The chest that used to spawn Enaylio's Boots has been turned off as the item is no longer required to activate the artifact. The mechanism for encounter credit has not been changed.

 - Cyclops' Eye Shield: Adjusted the 'bronzed guardian' and 'stone guardian' monsters to eliminate the chance that they go dormant while still engaged in combat. This fixes a rare bug where the guardians could go dormant and become unattackable during the course of an extended fight.

Encounter Notes - General

 - Foppish Sleeves: The encounter was fixed so that the timer on the 'Blood Soaked Kibisis' functions properly. This will fix a rare issue where the timer would not function and snake guardians were not properly attracted to the player as part of the encounter.

Encounter Notes - Oceanus

 - Aten's Shield: Modified this encounter to increase the chance of finding Aten's shield.

 - Winged Helm: Reduced the odds of Hermes healing himself completely while his helmet is still on, giving players a better shot at killing him at this stage if they want to attempt the encounter that way. As well, hate and aggression generated by the harpies prior to the helmet being knocked off will now be wiped when the helmet is knocked off. This will give players a clean slate on Hermes if they wait to engage him fully until his helmet is knocked off and his self-heal has been stopped. With this clean slate, it should be very easy to establish hate and kill credit on Hermes.

Item Notes - General

 - Players can trade the current version of Ceremonial Bracers for a Strength, Constitution, Dexterity, Quickness, or Acuity version. Please see the following NPCs for this trade:

Albion: Artifact Scholar Jarron
Midgard: Artifact Scholar Alaria
Hibernia: Artifact Scholar Elmer

 - Players can trade the current version of Gem of Lost Memories for a Melee, Archery, or Casting version. Please see the following NPCs for this trade:

Albion: Artifact Scholar Jarron
Midgard: Artifact Scholar Alaria
Hibernia: Artifact Scholar Elmer

Item Notes - Midgard

 - Players who are able to wear the chain version of the Crown of Zahur may trade the current version for an Acuity or Constitution version of the artifact. Please see Loremistress Vendela for this trade.

 - Players may now trade the current version of Eirene's Chestpiece for a Strength, Piety/Buff Bonus, Piety/Spell Range, or Charisma version. Please see Artifact Scholar Alaria for this trade.

Item Notes - Hibernia

 - Players who are able to wear the scale version of the Crown of Zahur may trade the current version for an Acuity or Constitution version of the artifact. Please see Sage Narvla for this trade.

 - Players who are able to wear the reinforced version of the Crown of Zahur may trade the current version for a Dexterity or Charisma version of the artifact. Please see Sage Narvla for this trade.

 - Players who are able to wear the cloth version of the Crown of Zahur may trade the current version for a Dexterity or Intelligence version of the artifact. Please see Sage Narvla for this trade.

 - Players may now trade the current version of Eirene's Chestpiece for an Empathy, Intelligence, or Strength version. Please see Artifact Scholar Elmer for this trade.

Item Notes - Albion

 - Players who are able to wear the chain or cloth version of the Crown of Zahur may trade the current version for an Acuity or Dexterity version of the artifact. Please see Artifact Scholar Khaliad for this trade.

 - Artifact repair costs have been reduced by 50%.

 - The underwater monsters in the classic zone revamps have been itemized for Albion and Hibernia. As well the itemization for Midgard's underwater monsters was modified to provide more variety. In addition, all three realm's underwater monsters have been added to the ROG and spellcrafting items loot tables that were added to certain mob types earlier in this patch cycle.

 - Players may now trade the current version of Eirene's Chestpiece for a Strength, Piety/Buff Bonus, Piety/Spell Range, or Charisma version. Please see Artifact Scholar Jarron for this trade.

Monster Notes - Hibernia

 - Daewin, the trophy frog, has moved from his perch on the bridge from Ardee to Basar. He can be found on the shore next to the bridge now to escape the patrolling guards' wrath.



General Notes

 - Added a new consolidated porter NPC to the Catacombs cities.

 - (Hibernia) The Carrion encounter in the Hibernian Deadlands has been modified so that the wisps that start the encounter reset to their original spawn point after an appropriate amount of time when the encounter has failed. This should help prevent the wisps from migrating across the zone or getting stuck near the obelisk nearby. Note: You may still find monsters from this encounter near the obelisk if they were pulled there, but the change allows the encounter to reset better when the encounter has failed or been abandoned.

Quest Notes - Albion

 - Hounds of Arawn: Group members who are neither on the quest nor at the teleportation steps will now teleport to the correct locations.

Instanced Adventuring Notes - General

 - Dreanna in the 'Unused Mines' task dungeon has been moved slightly to correct a visibility issue with line of sight.

 - Repathed one of the 'Burial Tomb' tasks dungeons so that the monsters inside will not fall through the floor. This should allow players with tasks in that dungeon to complete the tasks properly.

 - Corrected the in-game map for the 'Burial Tomb' task dungeon noted above.

 - The crypt maggots in the 'Realm of the Damned' can be targeted once again.

 - New task dungeon entrances for players who are levels 1 to 10 have been added to the Ludlow and Vasudheim areas. These entrances lead to the same 1 - 10 task dungeons found in the starter town areas. New Taskmasters that give tasks designated for the new dungeon entrances have been added to Ludlow and Vasudheim.

 - The boss monsters in the Darkspire instance are now worth a substantial amount of Master Level experience.

Dungeon Notes - General

 - Melgron the Ancient in the "Ancient's Retreat" adventure wing has had its aggression radius and tether radius normalized so that it won't attack players before players can attack it.



General Notes

 - The Circle of Five are now worth a substantial amount of Master Level experience in addition to the MLXP gained from shepherding.

Quest Notes - Hibernia

 - Grazer Resolution - The directions to the watchful tree dervishes were updated.

Quest Notes - Albion

 - Becoming a Scout Master - Players will now be able to appropriately progress in the quest by killing goblin scouts, as indicated in their quest journals.


 - Teleporters have been added near the Market Explorers in the Housing zones.



 - Epic raid level encounters intended for 3-4 full groups have been added to each of the Relic temples in the Frontiers.

 - High level molochian tempters on Agramon Island can now be charmed.

 - Keep lords have had their Master Level experience values increased.

 - Patrols have been added to keeps. The number of patrols increases with the difficulty rating of the keep. One-group keeps have one patrol, two-group keeps have two patrols and three-group keeps have three patrols. These patrols consist of the same monsters occupying the keeps.

 - Seal rewards have been slightly increased for the one group keeps.

 - The difficulty of the three-group keeps has been increased.

 - The difficulty of the two-group keeps has been slightly increased.

 - ROG has been added to the Keep Lords.

 - ROG has been added to Lord Agramon.

 - Epic encounters in the relic temples have been itemized.

 - Courtyard monsters in Dun Crimthainn have been updated, as have their loot tables.

 - (Albion) Moved the PVP/PVE Ruleset porter NPC in Camelot to the same location as the normal porter and server channeler. Added a vault keeper NPC at this location as well.

 - (Hibernia) Merchant Reswick, the siege merchant in Druim Ligen, has been moved slightly to allow proper room for the NPCs that hand out the Royal Expeditions.



 - (Albion) Moved the PVP/PVE Ruleset porter NPC in Camelot to the same location as the normal porter and server channeler. Added a vault keeper NPC at this location as well.

 - (Hibernia) Merchant Reswick, the siege merchant in Druim Ligen, has been moved slightly to allow proper room for the NPCs that hand out the Royal Expeditions.
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