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WoW oceanic realms E-mail
Tuesday, 06 June 2006
World of Warcraft already announced some time ago that some new realms were scheduled for opening in the US East Coast. We understand today that those servers are currently being deployed and that a test for them is scheduled on Thursday, June 8.


The opening was previously scheduled for the end of May, but power outage and some other problems forced Blizzard to delay.

Blizzard stated that they have two main reasons for this new opening: "The Oceanic realms exist in specific geographic locations. This is done to provide the quickest information travel time from client to server, aka a lower latency. The hardware these US realms exist on is not in the desired geographic location for an Oceanic realm. The second reason being that it's important players looking for new realms, but that may not live in an Oceanic time-zone, be able to play on a new realm closer to their own time-zone, instead of playing on an Oceanic realm as a compromise. This can help ensure that the Oceanic realm population consists of players more or less existing within the same play schedules." 

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