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Planetside testing new features E-mail
Thursday, 01 June 2006
Today's Planetside playtest will feature a new Mosquito variant, the Wasp.
Battle Island: Desolation!

  • VS Objective:  Force all of your enemies off of Desolation!  VS will start with Jamshid
  • NC Objective:  Force all of your enemies off of Desolation!  NC will start with Izha
  • TR Objective:  Force all of your enemies off of Desolation!  TR will start  with Dahaka
  • This will be an limited engagement scenario and the following rule applies:  Stay on Desolation!
  • Added fun stuff:  All 3 empires will have full module benefits!
  • TR will have NC vehicles!
  • NC will have VS vehicles!
  • VS will have TR vehicles!
  • Heavy Assault will be enabled on Desolation for the play test!
  • Advanced vehicles (Reavers, MBTs, etc.) will be enabled for the play test!
  • BFRs will be available, but only to those who have the certifications!
  • If an empire gets too many players they will face targeted Meteor Showers and VoidRage's Magic CUD of Unlimited Orbital Strikes!

Changes to look for in 3.11.14:
  • New Mosquito Variant:  The Wasp!
    • The Wasp is a Mosquito with an AA missile pod attached!
    • After Burners regenerate faster than a Mosquito!
    • The missile pod fires 2 tracking AA missiles and then must reload (2.5 seconds)!
    • Lock on must be attained and maintained for the missiles to track the target!
    • The Wasp does not have the Mosquito Ground Radar capability!
    • The Wasp does retain the 12mm nose gun!
    • To access the Wasp you need to purchase it with a new certification "Air Calvary:  Interceptor" which is a 2 point certification that has a pre-requisite of the Air Calvary:  Scout certification.
  • Concept:  The Wasp should be an effective killer at range.   As the fight moves closer things even up a bit against Reavers and Mosquitoes, but the Wasp still has the edge because its AB regenerates twice as fast.

Special Note:
  • Keep in mind that this is our 1st prototype of this vehicle so come help use test it and get it right!  Your feedback is important!

  • 1 - 1.5 hours

  • Players who intentionally fire upon other players or abuse the Orbital Strike during the cease fire at the end of the playtest will have their IDs sent to the CSRs for disciplinary action affecting your Live account
  • Instructions for getting into the Public Test Server can be found here
  • If you encounter a new bug, please use the in-game bug reporting tool via /bug.
  • If you crash to desktop (CTD), please restart the game and submit your crash log via the dialog box that appears when you restart the game. If a crash log wasn't generated, please let a QA Rep know that you had a CTD and what happened in-game just before the time of crash.
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