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SWG Change Duty Option E-mail
Monday, 24 April 2006
Star Wars Galaxies Publish 28 will have a new command: Change Duty. Using it will let you change your covert/overt status without having to visit a faction recruiter.

PvP Enhancements: Change Duty Command

A command is now available that allows you to switch from “Combatant” to “Special Forces” in the field. This change in duty status will take 30 seconds to complete. Changing from “Special Forces” to “Combatant” however, will take 5 minutes.

This command is executed from the toolbar. You can find the toolbar button in your command browser (Press ";" to open your ability window).

If you prefer to use the slash command, simply type /pvp in the spatial chat window and the command will change your status.

Players that are not Factionally aligned:

  • You must be aligned with the Empire or the Rebellion to use this ability.
  • Players that were never aligned with either of the two primary factions cannot use this command to change their faction status.
  • Players who were never aligned with the Empire or the Rebellion and try to use the Change Duty command will receive the following message: You can not change your duty status because you are not aligned with any faction.
  • If you would like to use this ability, you will need to seek out a faction recruiter in order to join a faction.

Factionally Aligned Players:

  • Can use the /pvp command in the spatial chat window or the Change Duty Status icon (which is available in your command browser) will receive a message informing them of their changing status.

  • Will receive a system message update every time their status has changed.
    Factionally aligned players can change their combat status:

  • If a player is On Leave, he or she will become an active duty combatant in 30 seconds.

  • If the player is a Combatant, he or she will become Special Forces in 30 seconds.

  • If the player is Special Forces, he or she will become an active duty Combatant in 5 minutes.

Upon Death:

  • Combatants and Special Forces will be automatically placed "On Leave."

Going On-Leave:

To go from Combatant to On-Leave, you will still have to see a Faction Recruiter to change your status.
SOURCE: SWG website  
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