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Bioware Interviewed E-mail
Tuesday, 11 April 2006
The 14th of March we published a press release from Bioware on which they where announcing the beginning of a recruitment process for the development of a MMORPG. Firingsquad now had an interview with the co-CEOs of the company to ask for more informations.

The MMORG related part of the interview is the following: 

FiringSquad: Why did BioWare want to launch an MMORPG and establish a base in Austin Texas to handle the development?

Ray Muzyka
: BioWare has been considering developing an MMORPG for quite some time – we’ve always felt that developing an MMORPG would be a natural extension of BioWare’s past experiences in developing roleplaying games. Austin has a tremendous gaming heritage with a lot of talent, especially in the MMO space. Austin offers a very friendly environment to game and technology development, with lots of experienced, talented, passionate individuals – and we’ve got a great team at BioWare Austin already as a result! We’re very excited to take the best feature of the MMO space and combine them with the RPG experience we have at BioWare.

If you want to read the rest of it, click on this link

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