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GW: Factions Skills + Update E-mail
Friday, 07 April 2006
Here is a collection of  the most recent updates for Guild Wars and an excellent resource for Factions players.
Rpgstars updated they skills list with the Factions ones.

Update - Thursday April 6

Attention fellow citizens of Tyria,

As our new friends from the southern continent of Cantha have begun settling into their homes, we have received countless reports of violence raging between the Luxon and Kurzick factions within North Kryta Province and Nebo Terrace.

These societies are longtime enemies, and it appears their war has followed them onto our lands. We ask all citizens of Kryta to report any crimes, acts of violence or cruelty, or other disruptive public displays instigated by members of either faction. In the meantime, the Lionguard will investigate a peaceful resolution to the bloodshed.

-Lionguard Neiro

  • Improved account management UI, making it simpler to add registration keys to existing accounts.
  • Fixed a bug that caused some users to experience intermittent audio dropouts.

Update - Monday April 3

  • Fixed a bug causing some users to experience audio drop-outs of specific sounds.
  • Added new bonus items to support the new Guild Wars '06 Edition package in Europe.

Update - Wednesday March 29

Attention fellow citizens of Tyria,

You have no doubt gazed with sorrow upon the scores of refugees displaced by the terrible conflict raging in the southern lands of Cantha. Were it not for the noble efforts of hired heroes, these poor souls would be spending another cold night in filthy gutters.

Mukesh the Merciless and his vile undead horde have been purged from the grounds of Nebo Terrace. The Kurzick homeless are pitching camp there as I speak. Likewise, the ettin thugs led by the notorious—and odiferous—Smuush Fatfist have been quashed, making possible the Luxon settlement being built in North Kryta Province.

By order of the White Mantle, I declare both Nebo Terrace and North Kryta Province fit for habitation and trade.

-Lionguard Neiro

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