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Thursday, 24 November 2005
Time goes by faster than what it seems Surprised. Today, World of Warcraft is celebrating it's first anniversary. There is a letter to the playerbase from Shane Dabiri (WoW Leade Designer).


One year ago today, World of Warcraft was released in North America, Australia, and New Zealand. The traditional thing to do for a one-year anniversary might be to take a look back at the content we've patched into the game over the past year (if you're interested in that sort of thing, click here ), but for this first anniversary we'd instead like to focus on you -- the main reason that Azeroth is such a vibrant and exciting place to adventure.

As we continue to work on World of Warcraft each day, one of the things we love the most is to visit the forums and find out what you all are thinking and discussing with each other, and also to see the incredible things that you create. We're always entertained, and often amazed, by the boundless creativity of this game's community. As a way of saying thanks, we've put together a timeline of some of our favorite World of Warcraft content generated by you, the players; just click the link below to begin your trip down memory lane.

World of Warcraft Community Timeline

As you might already know from the BlizzCon coverage , we have some exciting things planned for World of Warcraft's second year. You won't have to wait long to experience some of this content, such as the new 20- and 40-man raid dungeons in Ahn'Qiraj and linked auction houses, both coming with "The Gates of Ahn'Qiraj," our next major patch for World of Warcraft.

In addition to our regular content patches, we're also focused on creating World of Warcraft's first expansion pack, World of Warcraft: The Burning Crusade . We'll be revealing more about the expansion pack in the months ahead, and all of the new information will eventually make its way to our Burning Crusade Web site, so be sure to visit that site from time to time for new updates.

We'd again like to thank you all for forming the most kick-ass community of gamers out there. It's as much a pleasure for us to be a part of this community as players as it is to work on the game as developers. We look forward to celebrating World of Warcraft's upcoming one-year anniversaries at the corresponding times in each region, and we look forward to many more fun- and content-filled years of adventuring in Azeroth.

Shane Dabiri
Lead Producer, World of Warcraft


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