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UO Publish 40 Combat Revemp E-mail
Thursday, 23 March 2006
UO has still something to say? Today big news is that UO has big plans to change it combat system, this time in better. Equipment should become less significant, the interface will be more combat friendly and overally combat should be more fun and interesting with this new proficiency based system.

I am starting to like the new UO Dev Team , at least I like what the declare and put on paper, but I understand they need time to start developing seriously. Who knows, they could also give back some respect to UO, even if, as they also already said "The difficult thing about an MMOG is -that once stuff is released to the public its very hard to go back and fix. Sometimes changes means taking things away from people basically and that irritates folk who like what they have ya know." (check our previous news about stupid hues in UO)

Some of the other changes we can expect to see in this Publish 40, other than the profiency based combat system of course, includes:

  • A new and easy to use targeting system
  • Buff/Debuff icons are being added to the UI
  • Changes to improve the impact of swing speed in combat
  • The removal of honor and perfection from PvP
  • Wands are being adjusted
  • The scroll/spell issue is being addressed
  • Changes to how tracking works with ninjitsu
  • A new quest to reveal another piece of Virtue Armor
  • New Buddy Rewards
  • The Moonglow Zoo Community Collection will be adjusted
  • A mysterious extra little tidbit that will not be revealed until later (it’s fun, we promise!)
  • Miscellaneous other combat, bug and exploit fixes
For a more in-depth look check the Page .
And see you soon on the Test Shard to preview the changes!


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