Monday, 06 March 2006 |
Boomtown interviewed Matt Miller, Senior Designer for City of Heroes and City of Villains, about the upcoming changes in Issue 7. If you don't know what Issue 7 is about, in a short quote from the interview: "Obviously the most important feature is the level 40 to 50 content for Villains. This brings their level cap to be on par with Heroes."
"BT: After Issue 4, Issue 5 and Enhancement Diversification, players might have a well-founded worry that Issue 7 will come with another major change in gameplay spanning several or all types of characters. Is there going to be anything at all in Issue 7 of that magnitude?
MM: We have no plans for any sweeping balance changes tied to Issue 7. Masterminds are even getting a couple of advantages that will make them more viable in PvP, which will be useful in PvE as well." Head to the full interview ! |