Online Games News arrow Anarchy Online arrow AO 16.2 Update 12 March 2025  
AO 16.2 Update E-mail
Monday, 27 February 2006
Early next week the patch day will be announced. In the meantime, enjoy the preliminary Patch Notes!

"We have continued to test the 16.2 update on our test servers over the last few weeks and all things going well the update will go onto the live servers next week. Keep your eyes peeled to the game launcher early next week for the exact time and date."


New Shadowlands Quests

  • Elysium and Nascence have been populated with over sixty new quests for low to mid level players
  • The Mission window in the GUI has been changed to offer a better view of your current missions or quests.
  • Mission info contains clear instructions to complete the quests

Shuttleport Changes

  • Teleport Tower on the Shuttleport has been moved.
  • Swimming is no longer required to leave the crashed shuttle.
  • Changed the starter quests in the Shuttleport starter area
  • Mobs in the Shuttleport starter area now give better exp
  • Optimized the texture usage on the Shuttleport.

  • All the Hollow Island bosses should now have a suitable ‘boss’ despawn on their corpse when they die
  • Fixed a problem where the Unredeemed Easy solo and team missions in Adonis Abyss would give you the wrong faction.
  • Fixed a bug that allowed price changes in a player shop to apply to the wrong item.
  • Aliens have been given upgraded visual sensors and will no longer heal players instead of their fellow aliens!!
  • Fixed a troublesome alien pathing/Swimming issue in Stret West Bank
  • Specialisations you have attained are now listed one per line in the info view.
  • Fixed a bug where items from a player-to-player trade would become invisible if the seller had just traded with a vending machine.
  • Fixed some locations where players got stuck
  • The Jack Legchopper quests now have a level requirement of level 100. (So that players who would not have gotten the mission reward at the end anyway can’t get the mission)
  • Fixed a location in Greater Tir County to improve the aliens ability to get to the controller
  • Fixed the bug that caused Attack bars to occasionally appear when not in combat
  • Attack bars should now synch better between client and server
  • Pets should no longer spam their masters when changing chat channels whilst the pet is targeted.
  • You should now get the correct feedback when attempting to use a perk special with a remaining recharge time after a teleport
  • Default dialogue text colors have been altered to make NPC chats easier to understand.
  • Changed the game launcher to open links in the default browser rather then only in Internet Explorer
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