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City of Villains Reviewed E-mail
Monday, 21 November 2005

City of Villains seems to be collecting numerous positive comments and reviews everywhere.
Gamezone gave it 8.9/10, G4tv a good 4/5, Gamespot 8.2/10, Gamepro 4/5 and for Gamespy it is the Editor Pick for the Holydays.

The highest vote so far has been assigned by GameDaily with a round 5/5!
"Buy this game. Really, it's that simple. It's better than City of Heroeswhen it first released, and we gave that a 5 out of 5 rating. This is perhaps the most perfect companion to any game that's ever been developed. No, we're not homers, and we're not paid off to give these raves. But any game that can keep us coming back to play day in and day out for this long, then adds an "evil" companion game to suck MORE time out of us (as if we needed that!)... do we really need to say more?"

The lowest comes from netjak with 7 out of 10.
"All that said, the game definitely takes its place in the halls of infamy as one of the single most thrilling MMO experiences out there now. The raw catharsis of robbing banks, kidnapping innocents, and basically acting naughty in a virtual world while dressed up as the result of getting Jack Kirby and Stan Lee stoned-- there's little out there that beats it. Only the rush of adrenaline as you see the day-glo fuschia spandex and bright purple polka dots round the corner and identify your arch-nemesis, Fancy Man, as the fool they've sent to stop you-- only that can compare. Yeah, Cryptic still hasn't put a fashion advisor in the costume designer section."

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