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COH Closed Accounts Reactivated E-mail
Friday, 10 February 2006
Closed City of Heroes accounts have been reactivated for free to attend the Valentine festivities.
In other news, every City of Heroes active account has received a City of Villains trial key for a free 14 days gametime to give out as a gift.


As a former subscriber we give to you the gift of play! Join in the Valentine’s Day celebrations in City of Heroes®! Log on between now and February 12, 2006, 8:59pm PST/11:59pm EST and rekindle the romance while you participate in all the exciting events going on for the holiday of love.

As Valentine’s Day approaches, can it bring about a temporary reprieve in the eternal battle between good and evil? On February 8th, the God Eros is descending on Paragon City™ hoping to harness the primordial forces of love, allowing hero and villain alike to lay down arms and join together!

Where better to bury the hatchet than on the dance floor at the Pocket D? Idealistic Pocket D owner, DJ Zero, believes that a good song and a shared dance can cure all the world’s woes. To support Eros on his visit to Paragon City™, he will open his doors to hero and villain alike. Forever uniting the cities of Paragon and the Rogue Isles™, DJ Zero offers up special buffs and a safe space for everyone.

At the Pocket D, players set aside their differences, not only to enjoy the dance party of the century, but also to unite against a common foe. Taking
advantage of this unique opportunity, heroes and villains will be able to go on missions that can only be completed through cooperation. Sworn enemies joining forces for the greater good!

Don’t miss out on these historical events – head over to the Pocket D before February 12th!
Here’s a heads-up. Each active City of Heroes® and City of Villains™ subscriber has been sent one 14 day Free Trial code for City of Villains™. City of Villains™ free trials have never been available before, so take advantage of this weekend’s reactivation
period to make friends and score yourself a free trial. If you purchase and activate
City of Villains™ on top of your trial code account before March 12, 2006, 8:59pm
PST/11:59pm EST , both you and the person who gave you the free trial code
will get two unique in-game costume items to honor this new commitment. The Victory Laurel and Hellenic Sandals (all players can win the Patrician Toga during the Valentine event) will be added to your costume options!
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