Online Games News arrow World of Warcraft arrow The Gates of Ahn'Qiraj Are Open also in Europe 12 March 2025  
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The Gates of Ahn'Qiraj Are Open also in Europe E-mail
Thursday, 02 February 2006

Many thanks to the rogue Gaahnfaust of Crushridge for reporting us the first european guild which opened the Gates of Ahn'Qiraj: "Congratulations to the guild Armada on the French realm, Kael'Thas! Yesterday, alongside the rest of their realm, they have collected the four pieces of the Scepter of the Shifting Sands, reassembled it, and gathered the resources needed for the war against the Qiraji. They have rung the gong, opened the Gate, and defeated the Qiraji forces in the desolate desert of Silithus."

Here are the screenshots that the members of Armada took during the event. Our congratulations!

But the Gates were already opened in the US realm of Medivh by the orc Skalagrim of the Guild of the Monkey as you can see in thse screenshots and read in this forum post .

We take the chance to remember our readers that the first annyversary of World of Warcraft is approaching. Blizzard promised events and contests for the occasions. We will keep you informed, stay tuned!

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