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Red Moon Rising bugfix patch E-mail
Monday, 09 January 2006
After the deployment of the free EVE Online content expansion, namely Red Moon Rising, tomorrow the clients will receive a patch containing some bugfixes. Please remember that before this patch applies you are not allowed to use Wasp Drones since they are bugged.

Here you will find more informations about the Wasp Drones bug .


Patch 3796 to 3802 addresses Patch notes for Red Moon Rising bugfix patch

UI fixes and changes

  • Introduction movie text-strip shader has been made smaller.
  • The font rendering engine has been changed and minor adjustments made to the font to make it more readable.
  • An issue with assigning corporation roles via the role management interface in the corporation window has been fixed.
  • An issue with saving of usernames and password if either consisted of numbers only has been fixed.
  • Flagged jettison and loot containers will now get a red icon instead the standard white one.
  • Buddy list showing wrong online/offline status has been fixed.
  • Now cancelling a docking request that requires warping, also cancels the warp.
  • Minimized "Show info" windows do not pop up anymore, when the data in them is updated.
  • Spelling error in alliance war declaration mails has been fixed.
  • Odd clipping of text in the "Edit member" window has been fixed.
  • You can now use enter to confirm search in assets.
  • Asteroid belt triangle icons are now showing up in space again.
  • Market price history graph has been fixed.
  • A bug with starting and stopping auto-repeated modules has been fixed.
  • Wrong error message when forming a gang then instantly making some one else leader has been fixed.
  • Overview state filter settings now also apply to pilots' cargo containers
  • The market menu entries have been removed from the drones right-click menu in the drone overview..
  • Cargo container names now update in the overview.
  • The cursor does no longer blink in the notepad when it doesn't have focus.
  • Corporation /Accounts/Deliveries now allows autopilot destination to be set from it.
  • Wallet journal page 2 does no longer miss entries.
  • "Put station services on top of other windows when clicked" option no longer disappears when "Load station environment" is clicked.
  • Role management window no longer stops redrawing.
  • A case where an incorrect name appeared in the targeting square has been fixed.
  • Ctrl+Tab now works to remove and reshow the UI
  • Deleting folders in the notepad is fixed
  • Corporation description no longer shows <br> instead of a new line.
  • An error that occurred when a gang leader tried to tag a player capturable station has been resolved.
  • Emote no longer puts star after the players name. The star has been put in front of the name again.

Effect system fixes

  • Jumpgate sound effect has been fixed
  • Disabling and re-enabling effects using CTRL-SHIFT-ALT T and E now disables turret and other effects correctly, but correctly displays effects that are not supposed to be disabled, like cloaking and stargate effects.
  • Cloaking sounds and animation are fixed and don't get interrupted during jump.
  • Effect bug with mining drones is resolved.

Science and industry

  • Access control for manufacturing and research has been fixed. To install a corporation job you now need the factory manager role and at least view access to the blueprint and materials.
  • Advanced Laboratory Operation skill now works.
  • Number of production runs on a copy job is no longer truncated on display.
  • Installing a drone blueprint into a drone assembly is now possible.
  • When trying to install a Tech level 1 large ship blueprint into an advanced large ship assembly array you no longer get an error.
  • Selecting multiple jobs in progress doesn't show deliver button anymore.
  • A few cases where installing manufacturing job failed have been fixed.
  • Remote installations over node boundaries now work correctly.
  • Motherships moved to their own group and carriers have been added to assembly lines in stations in 0.4 and below.

Ships, modules and skills

  • Drone Navigation Skill now no longer gives bonus to orbit velocity.
  • Repackaged volumes of the three new tech II ship groups, elite versions of destroyers, battlecruisers and mining barges has been fixed.
  • Fixed penalties on advanced turret ammo. The Hail was actually giving a bonus and small ammo wasn't giving more penalty than large.
  • Advanced pulse laser ammo blueprint fixed so it's more in line with other tech 2 ammo.
  • Damage control can now stay active and can be activated in warp.
  • Small Tractor Beam blueprint set to 15 million ISK(10x more than the material cost of one module)
  • The smaller EWar drones should now orbit at more reasonable speeds.
  • Tracking on Wasps has been fixed.

Agent missions and deadspace complexes

  • Added the 4 mission sequence The Uprising, for pirate level 2 and 3 agents.
  • Courier agent missions were giving out untransportable items, this has been fixed.
  • The mission sequence "illegal activity" will now only be dished out by the Amarr-Caldari faction block.
  • The faction ships for ISK offers aren't as ridiculously expensive anymore.
  • Added agent offers which dish out Empire charters needed to build starbases in Empire space.
  • Zor now has a very slight chance of dropping Zor's Custom Navigation Hyper-Link.
  • Thirteen deadspace training complexes have been added - two in Amsen and one in every other home system.
  • Mazed Karadom (an agent of Amarr origin) was added to the Carnival agent site in Barkrik.
  • Karhoum Ykta, the Sansha Envoy, has been relocated into his phantasm.
  • Zaknar Cente, of The Syndicate, has been relocated into his Tristan.
  • The agents Erudin Hanka and Hann Najus have been placed into their appropriate station.
  • The sequences "In the midst of deadspace" and "Technological secrets" have had their difficulty decreased.
  • Added an extra boss spawn in exchange for a few generic battleship spawns in the 8th and final mission of the Audesder Incident COSMOS/Cold War sequence.


  • Autopatcher has been changed to work with our new patch servers and to be compatible with the unicode changes.
  • Various load balancing changes have been made in an attempt to decrease lag in peak times.
  • A long standing deadlock issue has been addressed. This will hopefully decrease the frequency of stuck issues quite a lot.
  • Market history and order lists have been optimizied to transfer less data.
  • The ability to anchor/online reactor arrays in a 0.3 system has been fixed.


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