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World War 2 Online: Planning for 2006 E-mail
Monday, 09 January 2006
What are the top ten things you would like to see fixed or implemented in the year 2006? The developers are asking for feedback from the players, and in the meantime they are announcing a new rendering engine and come other graphical improvements.
Top Ten

With the holidays over, it’s back to the grindstone here at CRS. The first of the year is always a time of planning and review here and this year is no different. Now that we have brigades on the map its time to look at the feature and see what polish needs to be applied. We also spend this time crafting up where we want to go next.

The first part of the year’s plan is shaping up nicely. We have new effects in the works including an end to the dreaded red screen, some concussive visual effects; in general, more boom and dust type effects. Buildings are set to start receiving some souped up normal map textures. The coders are closing in on a revamp of the object system to improve performance and decrease stutters. We’ve got an entirely new rendering engine in the early part of development. The first person redo of animations, meshes and textures is well under way and TOEs are in design and development. There’s certainly a lot on the plate and more to come as we plan the rest of the year. We’re very pleased with where the game has come. This, for really the first time, is the World War we have dreamed about. We’ve certainly made some pretty big changes and arguably the biggest are now behind us. This year we’ll focus on shoring up the game look and performance, giving greater feedback and tools to the UI and knuckling down to revamp and implement supply, from TOEs to new RDP to Factories and resource points flowing through the strategic choke points of the world. But before we get too far ahead of ourselves…

The first of the year is also traditionally when we ask our players to give us a list of the things that they have on their minds be they new features, cool ideas, or annoying bugs that need fixing. Now is the time. Share your list of features, bugs, or ideas you’d like to see in game as we begin to lay plans for the New Year. Join our discussion thread and let us know what your priorities are for the game .

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