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ToonTown: more updates E-mail
Wednesday, 26 March 2008
The Disney MMORPG ToonTown received two updates in the last few days. The first update involves the normal game servers, bringing the game version up to sv1.0.32.19, and the second update happened on the test servers, bringing the version to sv1.0.32.20.test. Here are the patch notes for both.


March 19, 2008 [sv1.0.32.19] (normal servers)
  • Fixed issue that would cause particularly lagged Toons to look like they are flattened by the C.E.O. even though they actually did hop off the table in time.
  • Made the door leading into the Banquet Hall open wider so Toons would not run "into" it when they enter.
  • Fixed rare client crash which could occur inside Banquet Hall.
  • Fixed bug which cause the Laff Meter to not be visible during the Banquet Hall "left over diners" battle sequence in C.E.O.
  • Fixed a bug which had a chance of allowing extremely lagged players to register being on a table using the seltzer bottle and at the same time teeing off at the C.E.O.
  • Fixed a bug which caused the words "Maze Race" to stay on screen after teleporting out of the maze.
  • Fixed a crash bug which occurred when one Toon teleports out of the Mole Stomp game while another continued to play.
  • Change text to refer to "kart" instead of "elevator" the dialog window which appears when you try to play the golf games in the Bossbot Country Club without meeting the minimum Laff requirements.
  • Fixed missing flying bat sound in the Jungle Vines Trolley game.
  • Fixed a few C.E.O. related client crash bugs.


March 23, 2008 [sv1.0.32.20.test] (test server)

  • Fixed crash bug which occurs sometimes when Toons try to teleport to a friend inside Bossbot HQ.
  • Fixed crash that happens when a Toon with a rejected name tries to go back to Type-A-Name to either try another name or pick one from the Pick-A-Name panel.
  • Fixed missing sound f/x in the Toon Memory Game.
  • Toons will now face the "right" direction when they first teleport into a Bossbot HQ Country Club golf game area.
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