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EVE Online: 200,000 active accounts E-mail
Monday, 19 November 2007
We would like to give our best congratulations to all the people working on EVE Online for reaching the milestone of 200,000 active accounts, and for breaking another time the record of concurrent users online on a single server, reaching 37,481 PCU.
To those who haven't tried EVE Online yet, we strongly suggest you to do it since it is a wonderful game that deserves its success. And to these people who have tried it some time ago, please give it another chance, because The latest Revelations updates have really given a new breath to this wonderful game.

A 14 days trial is available here . To activate the trial account no credit card information are required.


EVE ONLINE Official record announcement


There have been a lot of events that have transpired since we published the press release announcing EVE Online had reached 100,000 active subscriptions. A number of free expansions have been released, including Bloodlines, Revelations and Revelations II . A major code update, Dragon , was published last summer and the EVE Online server hardware has been upgraded with an eye to beyond our record of 37,481 concurrent users we saw on Sunday, 11 November. Over 80 man-years have been spent overhauling the graphics for the EVE Trinity expansion slated for release later this year, and we are not done.

At 1359 GMT today EVE Online reached another milestone in the game's history, we surpassed 200,000 active subscriptions. This does not include the currently active 45,000 trial accounts.

Many people have had a hand in EVE attaining this milestone, but we would not have reached it without each and every member of the EVE community. We are deeply grateful for your past, present and continued support. Thank you! 

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