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Monday, 19 November 2007
Sony Online Entertainment has received many praises for the smooth launch of the fourth EverQuest 2 game expansion Rise of Kunark . Only a few minor issue have been discovered until now, which have been promptly fixed in two patches between the 15th and the 16th November.

EverQuest 2: Rise of Kunark fixes - 15th and 16th November 2007

  • EverQuest II will now run on computers that do not have a sound card installed/enabled.
  • The Burynai pre-order house pets now require one of each type of fertilizer before they will dig for a collectable.

  • Level 120 and higher for achievements have been made more difficult

  • Essentials level 70-79 recipes books are now for sale in Neriak. 
  • Sage and Alchemist level 70 writs should now be asking for different spells.
  • The provision cache near the Bathezid Watch is now more accessible to crafters doing the New Lands, New Profits quest.
  • Completing the High Risks, Higher Profits - Part 2 quest should allow you to enter Danak harbor without fearing for you life for trying to help the crafters.
  • Tradeskilled kite shields in the 70-80 range now grant str/int/sta stats.

  • A number of new bows from Kunark may now be used by Paladins and Shadowknights.
  • Hood of Arcane Vigor, Swamp Glow Wristcuffs, Mercurial Windblade, Split Infinity, and the Unfathomable Aquastaff have been upgraded slightly.
  • Several quested treasured items that were improperly marked as tradable have been corrected.
  • Items with the effect Assassin's Thirst no longer grant a base 2% increase to combat art damage.  They now add +35 to combat art damage.

  • The PvP immunity volumes on the Commonlands and Antonica docks should be working correctly now.
  • Good players on PvP servers should have somewhere to evac to in the Fens of Nathsar now.
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