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Star Wars Galaxies: Chapter 7 almost ready E-mail
Monday, 29 October 2007
SWG Chapter 7 is being tested on the Test Center since a few weeks already, and during the last week it received a few additional fixes that should make the current version very similar to the version that will be released on the live game servers. Here is the history of changes introduced with Chapter 7 and all its patches from the Test Center.

TCPrime/TestCenter Updates - October 10, 2007

New Features
Township of Aurilia

Aurilia emerges from the mist in Chapter 7! The citizens of the village on Dathomir have decided to re-open their doors to the outside world. While Aurilia was hidden, the small village evolved into a bustling township still sympathetic to adventurers looking for help. Travel to Aurilia is available from Mos Eisley, Coronet, and Theed, but only to players level 70 or higher.  

Heroic Encounters

A heroic encounter is a high-level challenge for a group of players looking to earn huge rewards. These encounters will take place in an instanced zone where players will take on challenging foes in epic battles like no other. The township of Aurilia is a hub for high level players to meet other like-minded allies for quests and to prepare for heroic encounters.


Collectors are seeking new treasures that can be found on all planets in the galaxy. These objects are recent, prized discoveries, so existing items and enemies you have slain before Chapter 7 will not count toward completing a collection. A collection begins when you come across a distinctive item, either in the environment around you or as loot dropped by a defeated creature. There are also treasure-seeking NPCs in certain parts of the galaxy that might be looking for someone to track down the particular valuables they're looking for.

Open the Collection journal in the game menu. The top of the screen shows the book for each collection you have started. Within each book there is at least one set, which can contain a number of collections. Click an icon at the top to see all sets and collections you have gathered items or kills for.

If a collection item has already been consumed by you, or the collection is already complete, the name will be red. If you have not consumed the item for your collection yet, the collection name will be green. This will help with finding needed items on the bazaar.

Chapter 7 Gift

Get started with your first collection with the Chapter 7 gift! A comlink will be placed in your inventory as your Chapter 7 gift. Use the comlink to begin your first collection.


  • The Tusken Invasion encounter has been temporarily disabled.
  • Collection loot drop percentages have been increased on Test Center. This is for Test Center only and the percentages will be decreased before going live
  • The 51 month veteran rewards are now available.
  • Jedi now have a taunt ability called Force Enrage. This ability can only be used while in a stance. Force Enrage is granted at level 50.
  • Force Enrage is an ability that adds hate from the target to the Jedi as a flat bonus that gets better as you level up. It will increase the hate amount two times from 50 to 90.
  • Force Enrage can only be used if you are in one of the defensive stances.
  • Force Enrage adds a hate over time to the creature you enrage. This will add small amounts of hate to the creature for 5 seconds.
  • Force Enrage burns your cooldown if you are the top hated player, so don't use it unless you are sure you no longer have aggro.
  • Jedi passively adjust their aggro generation gain based on whether they are in a stance or focus. While focused, a Jedi will generate 10% less aggro. While in a stance, a Jedi will generate 20% more aggro.
  • The False Hope particle effect has been reduced in size and intensity.
  • The Phosphorous Grenade particle effect has been reduced in size and intensity.
  • Reduced time and intensity of officer particle effects (grenades, artillery strike, aerial/orbital strike).  These particle effects were cluttering camera views for too long
  • Officer AOEs now use same action/damage efficiency as commando grenades.
  • Officer AOE attacks have separate cooldowns rather then some being shared.
  • Tactics now increases Dodge and Constitution.
  • Advanced Tactics also reduces chance to be critically hit.
  • Paint Target decreases Dodge and Parry chance and increases critical chance.
  • Focus Fire increases Strikethrough chance, Strikethough value, and chance to be critical hit.
  • Superior Firepower cooldown has been reduced to 13 minutes. Duration increased to 30 seconds.
  • Scatter now cures and prevents slowing effects.
  • Drillmaster now improves all damage and action costs, rather then just pistols.
  • Supply drop health and tactical stims now come with 4 charges. These items will now last for five hours until disappearing instead of only 1 hour.
  • Tactical Stims now buff one or more or all of the following (depending on level of the officer): Constitution, Critical Chance, Dodge, Action Cost and Damage.
  • Sure Shot can now be used with melee weapons.
  • Toned down Bacta Bomb and Bacta Spray particle effects. They now no longer blind observers nor fill the entire screen when zoomed out.
  • The evasion buff now improves dodge chance by 35%, which is the intended amount. Changed from improves chance to dodge by 3.5%.
  • Reduced particles and sound effect for Bacta Grenade.
  • Expertise Enhance Block now improves the target's block chance and block value. Changed from improves target's chance to receive a glancing blow from melee attacks.
  • Expertise Enhance Dodge now improves the target's chance to dodge. Changed from improves the target's chance to receive a glancing blow from ranged attacks.
  • Medic Resuscitate and Area Revive may no longer be performed while the medic is in combat.
  • Revive Player may be performed while the medic is in combat.
  • The cooldown of Revive Player has been increased to 5 minutes.
  • Medic Resuscitate and Revives now cost a percentage of your base action, rather then a flat action cost.
  • The cooldown reduction to the Area Revive ability received from the Hasty Resuscitation Expertise has been reduced to +5/+5/+5 from +6/+6/+8.
  • Reduced the amount of hate generated by medic Area Effect healing.
  • Negative healing effects, such as Bacta Corruption, now modify the total healing amount rather than the bonus healing amount.
  • Negative healing effects such as Bacta corruption reduce heals received by the target. Changed from reduces heals performed by the target.
  • Creatures will no longer attempt to perform the non-existent Shaken 4 or Shaken 5 attacks.
  • Glancing Blows will no longer reduce secondary elemental damage to 0.
  • Added flytext for Block. The option for Block flytext is linked to the "Show Glancing Blow Messages" option in the Combat options tab.
  • Defender combat actions and attacker combat actions are now independent checks.
  • Precedence of Combat Results is as follows:
    • Miss, Parry, Dodge will NEGATE Hit, Critical, Strikethrough, Punishing Blow
    • Critical, Strikethrough will NEGATE Glancing Blow
    • Glancing Blow, Block, Evasion will MITIGATE Hit, Punishing Blow
    • Block, Evasion will MITIGATE Critical, Strikethrough
  • Changed walk speeds for droids using protocol droid skeletons (battle droids, protocol droids, RA7 bug droid, and NK3).
Beast Master:
  • Several beasts have had their collision sizes reworked. This will allow you to have your bolotaur, varactyle, and kimogila walk through arches now
  • All creature difficulty classes can now generate top tier Hydrolase Enzymes.
  • The creature difficulty class bonus for Hydrolase Enzymes now improves average extraction value. Changed from improves maximum possible extraction value.
  • The value weighting for the enzyme processing stages has been changed. Tools are worth 33% and consumables are worth 66% of the potential gain
  • Improved average gains from each Hydrolase Enzyme refinement stage.
  • Fixed many cases where DNA was showing null as creature template.
  • Fixed issue with beasts performing tricks while swimming.
  • Changed the way a beast's Intelligence score modified skill acquisition rolls. This attribute will now provide a much greater benefit when attempting to learn difficult skills.
  • Fixed issues with Provoke not firing correctly; beasts should be able to provoke creatures much better now.
  • Added a new entertainer only beast mastery special ability 'Dancing Pet'.
  • A number of flytext displays will now respect option settings set in Options: Combat Options.
    • Glancing Blow uses the Glancing Blow Option
    • Procedural Effects uses the Critical Hit Option
    • Snare and Root Effects uses the Snare Option
    • Lucky Effects uses the Lucky Option
    • DoT resist messages use the Damage Over Time Option
    • Freeshot Effect uses the Freeshot Option
    • Crippling Pain Effect uses the Critical Hit Option
  • Fish will now show the time when they were caught (GMT).

TCPrime/TestCenter Updates - October 11, 2007


  • New PvP area and single target Resuscitate granted at the same time as area and single target Resuscitates.
  • PvP Resuscitates require the medic to be declared and the target of the Resuscitate killed by another player in GCW combat.
  • PvP Resuscitates do not work in instances.
Collections, Publish Gift:
  • C-3P0's comlink is now a non-delete object.
  • Wave event tasks will now complete for everyone in your group who is on that task.  This should fix issue with Nightsister scroll event.
  • Infant Grauls have been removed from the Graul Kill Collection - They have been replaced with Graul Marauders.
  • If you have previously spoken to the collection NPC and been granted the 10 item comlink collection but cannot collect any of the comlink items you can now speak to the colleciton NPC and the issue will be corrected.
  • Increased Tusken Soldier Spawn Count so that players participating in the Tusken kill quota counter collection do not have to wait as long.
  • Reduced amount Junk Dealers purchase chapter 7 collection components for.
  • Frogs on TestCenter should now have jedi options available.

TCPrime/TestCenter Update Notes - October 16,2007


  • "Lava Beetles" are now "Kubaza Beetles" in the Collection UI.
  • Droid Head on Rori is now Collectible.
  • Rancor Finger is now Rancor Talon in collection UI.
  • Normal Kubaza Beetles will now update the Kubaza Beetle Slot.
  • 'an Astromech Torso' should now be collectible.
  • The HK-47 Disruptor now has the correct appearance.
  • The Forward Commander Carbine is now collectible.
  • Rebel Battle Armor Right Bicep is now collectible.
  • Droid Playback Module has been moved so it can be collected.
  • Lost Imperial Stormtrooper Armor Collection "boot" icon is now correct.

Players can no longer use the Publish Comlink while in Combat or Incapacitated.

Graul Gasher Collection:

  • Graul Marauders has switched places with Grauls.  The collection now requires 200 Graul and 125 Graul Marauders to complete.  If you have already completed those slots, you will retain the completed slot.  If you are currently working on the slots mentioned, you will need to switch to the appropriate creature to complete the slot (please check your Collection UI)


Tatooine Novice Collector will now offer a Collection Removal Option.

  1. The Collector will only offer to remove those collections that she offers.
  2. Removing the Collection will cause all progress made in that collection to be removed.
  • This is now active on all Collector NPCs throughout the Galaxy

Collector NPCs now offer a Collection Removal Option.

  1. The Collector will only offer to remove those collections that he/she offers.
  2. Removing the Collection will cause all progress made in that collection to be removed.
  • This is active on all Collector NPCs except for the Tatooine Novice Collector.  This will be added to that conversation soon.


  • Collection: Housing Improvement and Jedi/Sith Holocron item names have been altered.  You should now be able to tell what "number" they are so you can purchase the correct one you need for your collection.

Heroic Encounters:

  • Krayt Head for Tusken quest has been shrunk some. This will help fix issues of seeing Tuskens spawn inside it and issues where sometimes you cannot click it (you get the message that you cannot see it).
  • Torch for Axkva Min intro quest no longer requires players be flagged for PvP.

Axkva Min:

  • Nandina and Gorvo now share a hate list.
  • Attacking any of the sisters will cause the warden to spawn. Stay out of the hallway.


  • IG-88 has increased his security outside the factory
  • Various enhancements and fixes to the IG-88 encounter have been made.


  • Lava and Acid heavy weapons now have lighter/faster particle effects and have had their fire audio sound reduced in volume.


  • Added red X to Force Enrage. This is to help you see if you are out of range for the ability.

TCPrime/TestCenter Update Notes - October 17, 2007

Collection Item:

  • Devastator Lava Cannon is now collectible

'sensitive' is now spelled correctly in the Meditate Description

Endor Collector's area is now decorated.


TCPrime/TestCenter Update Notes - October 18, 2007

Jedi are not longer getting their expertise auto-allocated.

Collection Publish Gift (C-3P0s Comlink). The comlink now calls a civilian shuttle instead of a Lambda shuttle.

Added socket crafting chance on all PSGs
Removed depreciated stats from PSGs which formally had stats

Jedi/Sith Holocron Descriptions have been fixed (text error)

Tusken Kill Collection has been reworked - Players should now be able to get/activate/complete this collection

Players who don't have expertise will no longer receive the erroneous message about expertise being reset

You must be standing on terrain in order to survey. In other words, you may not survey from the roof of a PA hall or from an elevated walkway, etc.

City Mayors should no longer have both a pickup and remove decoration radial on city decorations.

TCPrime/TestCenter Update Notes - October 19, 2007

  • Blackscale Stun Stick is now named correctly in the Collections UI
  • Blade of the Betrayer is now named correctly in the Collection UI
  • If you stumble upon a count type collection, that is not activated via npc/item, you will receieve a message stating the collection has been activated. You will only receive this message once per collection. This is to let you know that you have discovered a new collection.
  • Changed the reward text for the Fishing Collections.
  • Fishing Collection 1 now grants the reward shown in the tooltip text.
  • Adjusted Collection Fish drop percentages - Players will find it more difficult to catch some fish, while some fish will be easier to hook.
  • The Publish Gift Collection NPC will now fix players that collected datapad components before receiving the datapad collection quest.

  • Maximilian is now offering more places to travel from Aurilia.
Player City:

  • The system message announcing that you have entered a player city now contains the mayor's name.


  • GCW Player Revives expanded to include "victims killed by another player".
    • This means you can use this on GW now.

User Interface:

The user interface option "Show a second target status window for the mouse-over target" has been replaced with a new option called "Secondary Target Status Window." This new option has a choice of three settings that indicate what is displayed. The choices are:
  •   "None" - Nothing is displayed.
  •   "Mouse Over" - Your mouse-over target is displayed. This is the same behavior as is currently in the game.
  •   "Target of Target" - The target of your intended target is displayed. If your target is another player that player's intended target is displayed.

You can key map the targeting of yourself and your group members now

TCPrime/TestCenter Update Notes - October 23, 2007

Tusken Heroic encounter is now open.


  • Travel list SUI will now allow you to go back to main menu when browsing locations from Aurilia.
  • Fixed double message when activating a collection.
  • Creature spawn has been adjusted for rare/non-existent creatures that are in various ‘kill collections'. 
  • Tusken and Womprat Kill Collections have been altered.  It should be easier to find the creatures to complete your collections.
  • Terrible Quenkers have been replaced by Quenker Ravagers in the Quenker Kill Collection.
  • Blade of the Betrayer is now named correctly in the Collection UI.
  • The Cyborg revive ability now requires the user to be out of combat to activate.
  • Juyo Lightsaber now has a required level of 75.
  • Juyo Lightsaber is now using its new art appearance.
  • Jinzu Lightsaber is now equipable once again.
Player City:
  • The mayor's name is no longer displayed in the system message announcing that you have entered a player city.
  • Fixed bug causing smuggler Sly Lie buff to have 100% dodge.
  • The ui action "targetSelf" (or by default the F1 key) now sets both the look-at and intended target to self.
  • Daily Lockout for IG88 and Axkva Min heroic instances are now active. Use /showInstanceInformation to view your lockout data.
  • Players now have the ability to see info on AI target's buffs using the tooltip system.
  • Clear Target Only has been added back to keymap options.
  • Heavy Weapons should now again be able to hit a moving target.
  • Armor Attachments should now work with PSGs.
  • Tusken Heroic encounter is now available.

TCPrime/TestCenter Update Notes - October 25, 2007


  • Fixed issue with GCW Points not being assiged with PvP kills
Heroic Tusken:
  • Kav Golder will offer the option to leave the Heroic: Tusken Army instance in his conversation.
  • Structures can no longer be placed in the Heroic: Tusken Army instance.
  • Decreased the kill requirements for the Peko Peko.
  • Comlink on Corellia is now collectible
  • Moved a Steaming rock slightly so it is easier to collect.
  • Collector NPCs now offer hints to other collector NPCs throughout the Galaxy.
  • Medic Resucitate and PvP only in combat revive will now revive the player with 1/3rd of max health like the other versions of revive, instead of only 1/10th of max health.
  • The cost of performing Area Revive has been lowered

TCPrime/TestCenter Update Notes - October 26, 2007


  • Group management functionality can now be performed from anywhere in the galaxy. 
  • The following group commands will accept a name parameter which can refer to a character/group member that is anywhere in the galaxy:
    • /invite <name>
    • /uninvite <name>
    • /makeLeader <name>
    • /makeMasterLooter <name>
    • /dismissGroupMember <name>.
  • You cannot /invite while you are in combat or the invitee is in combat.
  • You cannot /join while you are in combat or the inviter/group leader is in combat.
  • Sweep attacks now apply base lightsaber damage.
  • End of the Line will now correctly double critical damage on bleed, crush, and bad odds.  The DoT component of these abilities is not doubled.
Bounty Hunter:
  • Antagonize has been tweaked to work more consistently with taunt mechanics.
  • Antagonize applies damage when used, however if not at the top of the hate list, you will be placed there along a small amount of bonus hate.
  • As the Bounty Hunter's level progresses Antagonize adds an increased amount of bonus hate.
  • Fixed an issue that was halving the elemental value of weapons.
Beast Master:
  • Binring Biomedical Products will now contact a player who has one of the enzyme colors correct for mutation.

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